Starting tomorrow

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I get my pump tomorrow! I'm booked in for a four hour training session with two other starters which is nice as we will all be from the same area and can maybe stay in touch. I'm feeling nervous / excited this evening but can't wait to get going.

The process from the pump being suggested by my gp surgery to going live has been exactly six months. From what I 've seen on here that isn't very long so I feel pretty lucky. :D
Good luck, I'm sure you will be fine though 🙂
Good luck, the waiting was defiantly the worst part for me. I'd managed to dream up all sorts of "worst case" ideas by my 2pm training session.
How exciting!!! Don't forget NOT to take any long acting tomorrow morning! Hope it all goes well, steep learning curve time but so so worth it. Go =====> 😱
I am now pumping! The training was good and at the moment my bg is 4.8.Just bolused for my very late lunch and had no problems Long may this continue although I know there will be ups and downs sometimes. So far the biggest problem is where to store all the extra stuff! :D
Glad to hear the training went well - hope things go smoothly (or as smoothly as these things can do, given the amount of stuff to learn and consider!) 🙂
Good luck 🙂

I've been pumping a week now, and apart from very first cannula being kinked and not delivering, its going very well - haven't had any double figures glucose readings!
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