starting to worry about Christmas

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know its awhile soonn just starting to worry about christmass with the food and stuff and working stuff out. i usally look forward to it
Just carb count and inject 🙂 It doesn't matter if you run a bit high for a day or two.
If it makes you feel better would having a list of foods you are likely to eat with carb values beside them so some of the guess work is removed.
Also worth practicing eyeballing food/carb value. So guess what your plate of food is then weigh it so you know how close you are.
Just carb count and inject 🙂 It doesn't matter if you run a bit high for a day or two.
If it makes you feel better would having a list of foods you are likely to eat with carb values beside them so some of the guess work is removed.
Also worth practicing eyeballing food/carb value. So guess what your plate of food is then weigh it so you know how close you are.
hmm we are going out for Christmas dinner
hower i do know ptotops are around 14.9 for 100g
hmm we are going out for Christmas dinner
I love going out for Christmas - it makes for a much calmer day when you don't have to worry about how long the turkey needs to cook for or whether Uncle Stan is ok with parsnips or cook something special for cousin Jean because she doesn't like brussel sprouts or ... it becomes someone else's problem.

That said, most traditional Christmas dinners are the same so you can do some research beforehand to estimate the carbs in you meal and be ready to correct if necessary.
It is impossible to maintain blood sugars in range all the time when you are being your pancreas and there are some times such as Christmas, birthdays, holidays, ... when our diet and regime are different to normal so it is an excuse to be relaxed and not stress.

Remember, Christmas crackers, carols and present giving are all carb free.
hower i do know ptotops are around 14.9 for 100g
Unfortunately potatoes vary widely depending on the type, 14.9g is the value for baby/new potatoes, Maris Piper on the other hand are around 17.5g which not much difference if your only having 100g but the difference increases the bigger the portion

Carbs & Cals usually has a handy guide to Christmas nearer the time so maybe head to their website and sign up to the newsletter

I know it's easier said than done but just relax, it's only a couple of days and my first few years diagnosed Christmas's were awful due to developing my eating disorder, last year was the first that I didn't let get to me and actually enjoyed it xx
Do you know where you're going yet? I'd have a look at the menu or ask what it may be and meal plan ahead of time.

It's not a perfect solution but you can then carb count any additional options.

Even if there are a few slip ups, it's Christmas! I'd prepare, relax and readjust where necessary.
Do you know where you're going yet? I'd have a look at the menu or ask what it may be and meal plan ahead of time.

It's not a perfect solution but you can then carb count any additional options.

Even if there are a few slip ups, it's Christmas! I'd prepare, relax and readjust where necessary.
Yes ita all been booked an ive chosen what im having. Problem is its a 3 course meal and i dont know how much off it im going it.
Just guess the carbs, take best guess of insulin, and have either extra insulin or snacks later on as required.
Ive actulllty been told not to correct withen four hours of having insullin. And mainlly at meal times i think.
Ive actulllty been told not to correct withen four hours of having insullin. And mainlly at meal times i think.
You can correct 4 hours later if not comfortable correcting before then
Its more thats what ive been told.
I'm not sure what the question is? It's fine to have a guess, get it wrong because you're eating out and focusing on enjoying yourself not perfect guessing, and then correct 4 hours later.
Just another day with more carbs fat protein to contend with, carbs ok as you can count them & bolus, tricky bit is fat & protein that mess with bg levels many hours after.

Keep an eye on bg & just correct where necessary, dont stress about it just enjoy day.
I'm not sure what the question is? It's fine to have a guess, get it wrong because you're eating out and focusing on enjoying yourself not perfect guessing, and then correct 4 hours later.
Athough my correction radtio is untirrly work outed yet
Yes ita all been booked an ive chosen what im having. Problem is its a 3 course meal and i dont know how much off it im going it.
All you need to do is bolus as you go. (split your dose) So cover what you are going to eat for say 70 carbs then when you see what else is coming bolus for that if still hungry.
I doubt you will need the precaution but just make sure of hypo treatment in your pocket.

Have you invested in the book think like a pancreas? If not well worth doing so.
Most importantly though you need to put away your worry beads and enjoy your day 🙂
Athough my correction radtio is untirrly work outed yet
You must have a correction ratio that you use at the moment if you’re carb counting? It’s fine to use that
You must have a correction ratio that you use at the moment if you’re carb counting? It’s fine to use that
yeah when started told 1 unit 3 but that might be differn't. things are still be worked out so i actully take a differn't amout of carbs per mea but thats okay i'm slowly geting used to things. I'm actullty going to get some pratice at to tommorow as i'm going to get somthing out where i won't have the carb information to hand 🙂
All you need to do is bolus as you go. (split your dose) So cover what you are going to eat for say 70 carbs then when you see what else is coming bolus for that if still hungry.
I doubt you will need the precaution but just make sure of hypo treatment in your pocket.

Have you invested in the book think like a pancreas? If not well worth doing so.
Most importantly though you need to put away your worry beads and enjoy your day 🙂
always have hypo treatment with me where ever i go even if its just a 5 minute walk to a shop 🙂
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