Starting on the 5th January

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all I'm getting my pump on the 5th January. It is saline for 5 days and then switching to insulin.

I have been waiting for my pump for ages but instead of being excited I am really nervous!

When I had a CGM fitted last year they used a big plastic gun thing to put the cannula in. I wasn't frightened but when I heard the sound it made shooting the needle in I passed out! Now I'm really scared this will happen again :(

Is it normal to feel like this?
Hi Lauren, I'm not on a pump but I'm sure the pumpers here will be able to set your mind at ease. I've heard of CGMs being painful at times, but very rarely that canulas are for pumps.
Hi Lauren,

Northerner is right, a CGM is different from a canula - with a canula it is more the noise of the inserter that causes a problem rather than the actual canula itself. I am sure that once you have done one you will be fine with it. Some people insert them manually to avoid using the inserter. Let us know how you get on.🙂Bev
Its right what Bev has said,

I did not like the inserter thinghy and have always inserted cannulas manualy. You will be shown them all and you can make your own choice, really no need to worry, good luck 🙂
Thank you I feel much better about it now 🙂
I'll let you know how it goes!
HI Lauran

I'm with tracy about the inserters don't use them but insert my canulars manually..

I had a 3 year battle to get my pump, but like you still nervous just before starting pumping, it's a case of the unknown giving hebe gebes.. Mine was the insulin pump runing while I was asleep, until my hubby pointed out that I injected my background at 11pm, so had insulin in my body all night hehe..
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