Starting on paradigm veo on 9th Jan!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone,

I have finally been given the funding for my pump and start with my paradigm veo on 9th January.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Also do any of you know if there is a way to use the care link with an IPad as I don't have a laptop?


I'm afraid I can't help with the questions Allana, but can congratulate you! Congratulations! 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Hi Allana, congrats on the soon to be pump start 🙂 No idea about the ipad thingy. Can you not ring medtronic and ask them?
I will try them thanks sue
Allana all the best

happy pumping x 🙂
Thanks everyone 🙂

Called medtronic and they are working on software to work on iPads but none at the moment.
Hi Allana

Just wanted to say good luck. Please do let me know how you get on as I may be likely to get the same pump as yours also this year.

I will ch1ps, getting nervous now!
How are you getting on with the pump.....?
Hi Allana,

Hope you are doing well on the pump.
I started pumping with the medtronic Paradigm Veo in May 2011 and after 30 years of bad control with type 1, I now have the best control ever!

You will be fine on the pump so long as you test your blood glucose very regularly. At first I would advise before every meal as well as two hours after. You need to be careful with your basel insulin at night as most people need slightly less basel insulin at night than they do in the day, and you may want to consider doing some night time blood tests as well as night time hypos should be avoided at all costs.

Don't forget to have plenty of sweets/food for treating hypos! I have them in every room but I live on my own and prefer to be safe than sorry!

I write down all my carbs and meal boluses in a book which helps me keep track of my insulin and food, your pump company will probably send these books to you free of charge too.

All the best with your pump🙂
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