Starting on Byetta tomorrow!

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I havent been on here for a while, was doing well. Last October after I my gallbladder removed my Hba1c was under 6, (cant remember quite what it was), I had lost alot of weight as well. But after the operation I was no longer able to tolerate the Metformin, so this was stopped in November. I had another blood test in February and it had then gone up to 7.4, I had also put on eleven kilos. I agreed to try and lose weight, I have lost about a stone but no matter what I do or try it will not come off!! Had another appointment today, my Hba1c has now gone up to 8.9. After a long conversation the nurse thought that maybe Byetta or something similar was probably the way forward for me, she rang back earlier to say the GP agrees, so has made me an appointment for tomorrow.

Not really sure how I feel about this, am bit disappointed in myself for letting things go downhill but its not for lack of trying. I hate needles, I had real problem couple of years ago having to inject our horse, so cant imagine having to do it to myself, guess I will have to get over it. I saw my Mum die of complications of diabetes and dont want to end up like she did.

I did the obvious thing and googled it, all I seem to find is how ill it makes people feel, would really like to hear from people who have been helped by this drug. Thanks in advance everyone, will let you know how I am getting on over weekend!!
Hi karent, you might want to have a browse of the following thread to read about people's past experiences with byetta:

It's a bit rambling, but might give you an idea about how people got on.

It might be worth asking your about Bydureon - it's a once-a-week version of Byetta, so might help if you have a needle phobia.

Hope things go well for you 🙂
Karent let us know how you get on over the weekend. Try not to beat yourself up about the weight and hba1c its happened to me to and we can all lapse, best wishes laura
Hi Karent,

I was on byetta for about four years, so hopefully my experiences may help.

for the first month I was put on a low dose (5ug) then only rising to the 10 once my body had got used to it.

Some folk seemed to have worse experiences than me when starting it, but for my part, it knocked me a littl eout of whack for a few days, not hungry at all (def not like me!) and just a little 'out of phase' (not sure how else to describe it), bu that only lasted less than a week and since then I had no issues at all.

There were a couple of time when I came off it for a few days (sloppiness in either mine or Boots practices) but I didnt have any reaction when I went back onto it.

I took up running at the same time as starting and went from almost 20st to aboout 16 in a couple of years, and my control was pretty good for most ofit.

Sadly my pancreas or lifestyle has meant that I have just started on insulin, but I didnt have any issues with Byetta for the 4.5yrs other than that first week.

Good luck with it, it did work for me.

Hi karent,

I started injecting 4 months ago, and like you was apprehensive about it. I'm a big cowardly custard really :D

A couple of things that worked for me....

1, You should vary your injection sites, I always inject to the right of my belly button in the morning and the left in the evening. The rest is just a matter of picking a random spot.

2, Don't hesitate and be firm, there is no need to stab yourself but being firm seems to break the surface tension easier.

3, When you refill your pen case with needles, always put enough needles in to end on a full day. That way if you can't remember if you injected you can count the needles and work it out. I try to inject directly after testing, but the gods of the telephone, door bell, and any number of random interruptions will not be denied.

After a while it just seems to become second nature, and you'll wonder why you worried anyway.

Good luck!
Thanks everyone! Went to appointment this morning, had a long chat with nurse about starting this. After getting myself all.woind up.about injecting first time, the pharmacy didnt have any in stock, nor did any of the others in town! So now going back on Tuesday, thats just my luck! So now going too worry all weekend.
Thanks everyone! Went to appointment this morning, had a long chat with nurse about starting this. After getting myself all.woind up.about injecting first time, the pharmacy didnt have any in stock, nor did any of the others in town! So now going back on Tuesday, thats just my luck! So now going too worry all weekend.

Gah! 🙄 Don't worry, honestly the needles are so tiny you'll hardly notice 🙂 Hope you can finally get that initial jab out of the way on Tuesday then you'll feel loads better about it 🙂
Been meaning to get back on here last couple of days but been busy working, started on Byetta on Tuesday, was so nervous for my appointment but was surprisingly alot eaiser than I had worked my self up to think. Felt a bit sicky most of the day but was very busy moving the horse to a new yard so didint have much time to think about it!! Wednesday, I felt very sick all day and generally just felt awful. Yesterday and today have had a faint sicky feeling most of day but nothing compared to first couple of days. I do feel extremely tired and my appetite definately isnt as it usually is, I just dot feel hungry and when I have food in front of me am finding it a struggle to eat it, dont think I have finished a meal yet, not like me at all I usually love food!!
Ihad to go and tell Personnel about it today, they have known since I started I was diabetic, its never affected my work, but they needed to know thing s have now changed. She was surprisingly nice about it all and has said that the department now has to work around me for breaks. The diabetic nurse was bit worried about me doing lates as I have to admit I tend not to eat properly, just snack on things, as time I have my first break canteen is usually shut but now have too have my first break before it shuts so can have a hot meal and then if I want for later break I can get the girls to make me either salad or something else, they can put in fridge, the canteen is locked so I know where key is to get in, can also take my own food and put it in there as long as I label it, will make life bit easier. I am finding work a bit of a trial at moment as working with food isnt making my sickness any better, especially the smell of egg mayo and salmon at six in morning, just hope it eases off soon, so I can feel human again!!
This sounds good karent, it's good that work are taking such positive steps to help you out 🙂 Hopefully, the nausea will ease as you become accustomed to the new regime and you will begin to feel better - better levels should also mean you feel less tired 🙂
All the best i was on byetta for a short time,but found i was more compatible on victoza
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