Starting Metformin

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have just started Metformin after 5 years of managing with diet and exercise. My hba1c is 52. I usually have a strong appetite and since my first dose today my appetite is markedly reduced - surely this must be psychological?
I have been reading today that high blood sugars can increase appetite - I never knew this - I feel I have so much to learn. Tia for any replies
I have just started Metformin after 5 years of managing with diet and exercise. My hba1c is 52. I usually have a strong appetite and since my first dose today my appetite is markedly reduced - surely this must be psychological?
I have been reading today that high blood sugars can increase appetite - I never knew this - I feel I have so much to learn. Tia for any replies
52mmol/mol is not too bad and I wonder if there was something more you could have done with your diet before starting on the metformin. It can often cause some stomach issues but is better if taken with food.
It seems a shame to have to take the meds if there is some movement on diet which you will still need to do, that is more powerful than the medication.
Have a look at this link to see how it compares to your current diet and give you some ideas for making some changes.
Would you like to give some examples of typical meals as people may spot some problem foods.
I`ve been on Metformin for a few months. I have not noticed that it has decreased my appetite. But i am also on a cocktail of other meds following open heart surgery. I once worked for a Head Teacher who was a qualified athletics coach. He was convinced that no diets worked. You had to change your life style. I guess those of us who get diagnosed with diabetes are forced to do that. Maybe the change of life style rather than the medication is responsible for your diminished appetite
I have just started Metformin after 5 years of managing with diet and exercise. My hba1c is 52. I usually have a strong appetite and since my first dose today my appetite is markedly reduced - surely this must be psychological?
I have been reading today that high blood sugars can increase appetite - I never knew this - I feel I have so much to learn. Tia for any replies
I'd advise staying close to home until you know how you will react to the tablets.
Some - that is, me, react to Metformin really spectacularly and the result is explosive faecal incontinence. Others take it no bother - but you really need to know which you are.
Diabetes can be such fun......
52mmol/mol is not too bad and I wonder if there was something more you could have done with your diet before starting on the metformin. It can often cause some stomach issues but is better if taken with food.
It seems a shame to have to take the meds if there is some movement on diet which you will still need to do, that is more powerful than the medication.
Have a look at this link to see how it compares to your current diet and give you some ideas for making some changes.
Would you like to give some examples of typical meals as people may spot some problem foods.
Thank you for your reply. I have been managing with diet and exercise for 4 years now and my numbers have been rising. My diet is so near perfect it makes me want to cry. Whole foods only no treats very little carbs no sugar no alcohol. Lots of rice no pasta no fruit except apples. 1 Weetabix in stead of two with water instead of milk. I haven't had a good meal in 4 years and it is ruining my social life. Before Christmas the diabetic nurse wanted me to start Metformin and I begged to be given another 3 months to try to adjust my diet further. So I have been even stricter and the number didn't drop. I have a lot of personal female itching so they are hoping the Metformin will help - I also have extreme tiredness and am so fed up of my extreme diet. I eat a lot of fish and only drink water - no squash or fruit juices. I am so sick of apples and would love to eat a banana. If I wasn't so careful with my diet my hba1c would be a lot higher. My relationship is suffering because of my diet restrictions - we can't go out for a meal and I am dreading our holiday in September be ause of my food issues
Thank you for your reply. I have been managing with diet and exercise for 4 years now and my numbers have been rising. My diet is so near perfect it makes me want to cry. Whole foods only no treats very little carbs no sugar no alcohol. Lots of rice no pasta no fruit except apples. 1 Weetabix in stead of two with water instead of milk. I haven't had a good meal in 4 years and it is ruining my social life. Before Christmas the diabetic nurse wanted me to start Metformin and I begged to be given another 3 months to try to adjust my diet further. So I have been even stricter and the number didn't drop. I have a lot of personal female itching so they are hoping the Metformin will help - I also have extreme tiredness and am so fed up of my extreme diet. I eat a lot of fish and only drink water - no squash or fruit juices. I am so sick of apples and would love to eat a banana. If I wasn't so careful with my diet my hba1c would be a lot higher. My relationship is suffering because of my diet restrictions - we can't go out for a meal and I am dreading our holiday in September be ause of my food issues
It may be you do need a bit of help from medication but you certainly do seem to have been very restrictive with your diet. There are other fruits which would be better carb wise than apples, all berries except blueberries are low carb and had with cream would be a low carb option. Perhaps you could substitute cauliflower rice for rice as that would be lower carb. You could have full fat Greek yoghurt on your weetabix or eggs for breakfast.
Flavoured sparkling water is refreshing but dry wines or spirits with diet mixers are low carbs.
The dietary approach you choose has to be enjoyable otherwise it is not sustainable.
You may find some ideas in this link to help with giving you greater variety in your menu.
Thank you for your reply. I have been managing with diet and exercise for 4 years now and my numbers have been rising. My diet is so near perfect it makes me want to cry. Whole foods only no treats very little carbs no sugar no alcohol. Lots of rice no pasta no fruit except apples. 1 Weetabix in stead of two with water instead of milk. I haven't had a good meal in 4 years and it is ruining my social life. Before Christmas the diabetic nurse wanted me to start Metformin and I begged to be given another 3 months to try to adjust my diet further. So I have been even stricter and the number didn't drop. I have a lot of personal female itching so they are hoping the Metformin will help - I also have extreme tiredness and am so fed up of my extreme diet. I eat a lot of fish and only drink water - no squash or fruit juices. I am so sick of apples and would love to eat a banana. If I wasn't so careful with my diet my hba1c would be a lot higher. My relationship is suffering because of my diet restrictions - we can't go out for a meal and I am dreading our holiday in September be ause of my food issues
Goodness me you are struggling, bless you. There is nothing wrong with medication!! You can eat up to 130g of carbs a day! If medication will help you manage your Diabetes and live a better life then that's the answer. Stress will elevate your sugar levels and affect your mental health which is never a good thing. I have been down this path and it's not a nice path. I have been Diabetic for 14 years and my hba1c has been ok until I had pneumonia last Christmas, it has taken me till now to get my numbers where they should be! I strive for good management not remission and stopped being terrified to eat. Please speak to your GP asap. You have to live!! Always here most days, good luck
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My relationship is suffering because of my diet restrictions - we can't go out for a meal and I am dreading our holiday in September be ause of my food issues
Is avoiding medication really worth the impact it’s causing? Would you rather have a healthy relationship, a good balanced diet with a bit of everything and being able to eat out and go on holidays etc, or avoid tablets?

If you need more medication to improve your mental health and diabetes life balance then just make another appt to ask for it. There’s no medal for avoiding medication you know.
Thank you for your reply. I have been managing with diet and exercise for 4 years now and my numbers have been rising. My diet is so near perfect it makes me want to cry. Whole foods only no treats very little carbs no sugar no alcohol. Lots of rice no pasta no fruit except apples. 1 Weetabix in stead of two with water instead of milk. I haven't had a good meal in 4 years and it is ruining my social life. Before Christmas the diabetic nurse wanted me to start Metformin and I begged to be given another 3 months to try to adjust my diet further. So I have been even stricter and the number didn't drop. I have a lot of personal female itching so they are hoping the Metformin will help - I also have extreme tiredness and am so fed up of my extreme diet. I eat a lot of fish and only drink water - no squash or fruit juices. I am so sick of apples and would love to eat a banana. If I wasn't so careful with my diet my hba1c would be a lot higher. My relationship is suffering because of my diet restrictions - we can't go out for a meal and I am dreading our holiday in September be ause of my food issues
To stay in low numbers I eat a low carb diet, foods under 11% carbs - so no grain, no potatoes or starchy veges only a few small apples from my own trees then no more until the next year, but proteins, with the fats which come with them naturally, plus mushrooms, swede, cauliflower, stirfries, frozen vege and berry mixes, quite a few salads and the fruits which most people think of as veges, cucumber, aubergine, courgette, tomato, sweet pepper, even avocado from time to time.
I dropped from HbA1c of 91 to 41 after diagnosis, regained energy, lost weight, so a real game changer. My diet doesn't seem to be all that restricting, but I am very much a glass half full person even though I stick to no more than 40gm of carbs a day, and two meals at the most, not deliberately fasting, simply not hungry. I do have good meals every day, and coffee with cream.
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