Starting metformin.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
After being diagnosed with Diabetes 2, 18 months ago, healthy BMI, active lifestyle, good diet, but 2 years of severe stress and lack of sleep, I had a BMI of 14.7/134. I was put straight onto insulin, first basal then bolus added. I didn’t have any weight to lose really but have cut out all simple carbs and sugar, and my hbac1 at the end of April was 6.1/43. Very well controlled but getting foot on the floor rises and high intensity exercise rises. Due to nearly going into a hypo on holiday, and then having to stabilize my blood sugar again, i’ve been researching metformin. My dad passed away last year and had diabetes 2 and while sorting through his med, found 6 weeks of unused metformin, I decided to try it out. I have a self funded cgm, so could monitor it closely. OMG within a week on only 500mg, i reduced my basal to 6 (from 12-14) and bolus from highs of 12 units a day to 4 or 5, and actually needed to eat small amounts of simple carbs. My hbac1 reduced to 5.8/40 in a month. So at my review I told my nurse (a bit worried about it) but she’s added this to my regime, so 500mg for a week, then 1000mg. I’m so happy, I have tight control of my blood sugar, but really don’t like being on insulin. So fingers crossed I can bring it down to really low levels, and maybe be able to have the odd carbs meal.
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