Starting Metformin

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
So my recent Hb a1c test came back as 49, 4 months ago it was 52, the diabetic nurse has given me a prescription for Metformin which I have picked up from pharmacy today. I'm a bit dubious about starting them as I read about how they cause nausea and stomach pain.Do these affect everybody.
I had no side effects from Metformin.
I'm starting on 1 x 500mg for one week and then building up to 4 a day also had my statins doubled from 20 mg to 40 mg
With an HbA1C of only just in the diabetic zone, many would find that by making some dietary changes that they still would need to do even with metformin that they can successfully turn around their blood glucose with the dietary changes alone.
You have successfully reduced your HbA1C already so just a bit more of the same and maybe a bit extra effort should help if you don't want to take the metformin, but that is your decision.
Following a low carbohydrate or low calorie diet can be successful without medication.
Have a look at this link for a low carb approach.
I'm starting on 1 x 500mg for one week and then building up to 4 a day also had my statins doubled from 20 mg to 40 mg
Sounds as if your GP is in a rush with the prescription pad. Is your cholesterol high?
I'm starting on 1 x 500mg for one week and then building up to 4 a day also had my statins doubled from 20 mg to 40 mg

My hba1c was 83 and I was only on two doses of 500mg for three months - 1 for two weeks, then 2 and then back down to 1.
Hi my cholesterol is 4.8 ,she said most people are on 40 mg so doubled my dose
It does seem a bit extreme doesn't it
Especially as when people reduce carbohydrates it often follows that cholesterol will also come down anyway.
I am a great believer in not taking higher doses of things unless really needed.
I managed to reduce my HbA1C from 50mmol/mol to 42 in 3 months by dietary changes with no meds, and to 36 in another 6 months.
No issues with Metformin for me so no, it doesn't affect everyone. For those that do have side effects, the slow release version may help. Have a read of this very similar thread.

As for statins, I've been on 20mg of Atorvastatin for around 15 months. I've no idea what "most" people are on but obviously your dose needs to be tailored to your levels. Cholesterol is measured in different ways so you need to be sure you're comparing like with like.

Do you have a record of your previous results to compare where you are now? Many surgeries provide online access to records so you can look back, which is useful.
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Hi Lee132 ,

I can only tolorate 1 X 500 Metformin pill although I was prescribed two.I emailed my doctor and informed him of issues and he told me only to take 1 pill for 30 days and try again.I did and no difference.

From my limited knowledge of Metformin I feel in your case the Nurse was a little quick in such a prescription and should have given you more time to allow you to reduce the levels.

Sorry about that
Like most people, I had no probs with Metformin apart from a little bit of gastro upset for a couple of days.

On statins: The statin dosage appropriate for you depends on your risk factors and your doc's clinical assessment.

Nobody here is qualified to advise you & certainly none of the unqualified people posting here should be telling you to reject yr doc's advice.

But your doc should explain the reasons for the prescription to you.
The diabetic asked me if I wanted to start the Metformin and I said I'm in her hands really.I said I've been around the 48 mark for about 5 years now and then she prescribed them
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