Started pretending today!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had my first pump appointment today and am proudly pumping saline until Monday. Was wondering whether I might exchange it for gin:D. A lot to take in and lots of reading to do, but am very glad to be getting going.
Hi stephknits - good for you - I hasten to add my knowledge of pumping is basically zero I'm afraid - but as you're a happy bunny then I am happy for you - and gin sounds absolutely perfect :D Take care & good luck with your new friend x
I'm not sure what the effect of gin might be if infused directly into interstitial fluid. Never tried it when I had a pump with refillable cartridges - with the Insight prefilled cartridges it would be impossible. Can gin cross from there into the blood stream?

I think it might be a bit hit and miss doing that if I wanted to get pissed - so I believe I'll stick to the tried and tested traditional way - esp if I'm paying for the gin! LOL
I'm not sure what the effect of gin might be if infused directly into interstitial fluid. Never tried it when I had a pump with refillable cartridges - with the Insight prefilled cartridges it would be impossible. Can gin cross from there into the blood stream?

I think it might be a bit hit and miss doing that if I wanted to get pissed - so I believe I'll stick to the tried and tested traditional way - esp if I'm paying for the gin! LOL
As I have 10 pods, I thought I could stick them all over and then put different drinks in each. Coffee, gin, white wine, brandy, maybe a mixer or two....
Steady on Steph! We will all want a pump! :D
Seriously I'm glad you're getting started and sure you'll soon get to grips with it
Great to hear that you are now in possession of a pump.
I look forward to hearing how you get on.
Which one did you go for?
I fink it just could be an Omnipod in view of the fact she has 10 pods, LOL
Great to hear that you are now in possession of a pump.
I look forward to hearing how you get on.
Which one did you go for?
As trophywench says, I went for the Omnipod. I realise you get used to anything different really quickly, but I was still swayed by the lack of tubing. So far, so good - it hasn't fallen off and seems to be delivering my saline just fine!
That's is good to hear stephknits - it appears that gin & saline is a good combination then?!:D x
Keep us poted Steff. It will be good to hear your experience of a pump that is different from mine.
Did my first change today, although still just the saline until Monday. Seemed to go very smoothly. Did it at work at my desk and no one noticed. Real test will come Monday when I start really using the thing. Here it is in situ. I have tried it on tummy too. 14952159066501373484497.jpg
Glad it's so far so good Steph. Must say I didn't expect a pump to look quite like that. Is it taped on all the time? I thought it has wires and went into a holder on your belt or inside bra. Is the tape another option? Just interested but ignorant!
Glad it's so far so good Steph. Must say I didn't expect a pump to look quite like that. Is it taped on all the time? I thought it has wires and went into a holder on your belt or inside bra. Is the tape another option? Just interested but ignorant!
You are quite right, every other one does as you say. This one sticks on and you change it every 3 days. The used ones get sent back for recycling. The pod communicates via radio waves with a handset with which you test your blood sugars and out in any carbs etc. I like the fact there are just the two parts and no tubes.
Thanks for explaining steph 🙂
They don't have visible wires at all LOL

All you can see with the other kinds is the piece of tubing (which is so fine, you can't feed fishing line into it - cos my husband and son in law tried all afternoon one day, sat on the bank not catching any fish lol) NB these were used bits of tubing, only destined for the bin! leading from the pump itself (mine's 8cms x 4.8cms x c.1.5cms - in my pocket at the mo) to the cannula attached to me, like a thin white oval sticking plaster, with a bit of transparent superstructure on the top surface of it. Cannula's currently stuck to my left thigh, so the only visible tubing is what comes out of my pocket and disappears again under my T-shirt hem into my trousers waistband, when I had my cardi on earlier - couldn't even see that bit.

Steph - remains to be seen how you get on with doors with it on your arm! If I can literally wrench a Libre sensor completely off in a door after it had been there 10 days already (so very firmly stuck!) high up on the back of a shoulder - I'm bloody sure I'd do it much easier with a Pod ! LOL
Where is everyone? I know its late but the forum has been quiet last few days!
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