Started Lantus

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

just wanted to let u know I started Lantus on Monday. Starting slowly on 10 units once a day at the moment, and still taking Metformin and Gliclizide :( still not sure hw I feel about the Lantus but I guess its something I need to do.

Feelin really, really tired, and quite tearful, but as usual I don't want to bother anyone and so I put on a brave face and pretend its not bothering me, coz its my problem and I need to get to grips with it afta all no one can do it for me. Hope that doesn't sound too pathetic or that I'm feeling sorry for myself. :(

Am sure I'll get myself sorted soon, thanks, take care all, lv Shirl

Shirl - there is NO NEED for apologies here! that's what we're here for - to support each other 🙂

whilst it's true that noone can do it for you, you don't have to walk this path alone. there are loads of us by your side 🙂

keep us up to date on how it goes and how you are feeling 🙂
Thanx so much for the reply shiv, I do try to stay positive but it does get overwhelming at times! Just want to scream an shout sometimes, not like me tho 🙂 just havin a bad day I guess. Tomorrow is another day.

Take care, lv shirl x
Hey Shirl do not apologise hun, your feeling fragile and why would you not, it is all new to you taking the lantus but you will get there and we will support you every step of the way hun , mail me if ever you need me xx
Bless ya Steff thanx, 🙂 hws your journey with Byetta going? lv Shirl x
Brilliant, well done we'll get there with a little help frm our friends x x Take care, lv shirl x
Shirl - that does not sound pathetic and there is nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself (if you are) - it is a big step starting on injections. Hope it has the desired affect on your levels and you feel better soon

Good luck with the injections Shirl.

I started on Lantus last October and started on 10 units the same as you (I'm now on 36 units). Your DSN will probably tell you to increase by 2 units every 3 days until your BG's start to lower.
They normally like to concentrate on getting your early morning levels within target range first.

You will find that after a few weeks you will be feeling a lot better than before you started injecting.

After a while your DSN may also decide to lower your Gliclazide dose as well.

Hope everything goes ok.

Just want to thank all who replied yesterday/today, am just so glad I found this forum, u guys r brilliant! 🙂

Have hd a chat to DSN over the phone today and she has put Lantus up to 12 units now and asked me to test a little more often than previously, she said she would talk to me again on Monday or tomorrow if I'm worried at all. Hows that for service?

Am just sooo tired and really hungry but when I eat just a few mouthfuls I feel full, not sure what's happening with my body, wish I could trade it in for someone else's (who hasn't got the D obviously!) just for a couple of hours :( LOL

Sorry am moaning again, lv u all, take care, shirl x
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