Standard of care.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello all.

As you will see I am a new T2 member and I would like to start a discussion on 'standards of care' for as I read all the separate threads I see a wide variation. I'll start off .............

My nurse is excellent - perhaps guilty of giving too much info too quickly - she is friendly and just lovely.

I was injected for flu and pneunomia instantly. I have an eye scan within a week and all bloods done every eight weeks as well as BP and feet circulation. I have been given statins and as my liver function score rose I was instantly seen by the doctor. I was offered a testing 'thingy' if I wanted it - she explained the debate with T2.

Everyone is so helpful.

Is the situation the same else where? Or am I lucky?
hi Ceara

I had exactly what you had offered and in that order lol, accept i was told i did not need the pnemonia jab, at first the nurse said i did but it was the GP who i had the jabs with and he said it was not necessary as i was under 65 :confused::confused:
The situation im in now is annoying because im locked in a battle with my gp and dietician they seem to have totally lost my referrel and are both blaming each other im a sitting duck until they find my details , other then that im happy with my actual nurse
what care? I go to mt GP when I need a review of the medications I take. Outside that it seems no one cares too much. I get more information here and from other forums I use than from my GP or nurses at the surgery.
what care? I go to mt GP when I need a review of the medications I take. Outside that it seems no one cares too much. I get more information here and from other forums I use than from my GP or nurses at the surgery.

must agree there i do get more info from here x
must agree there i do get more info from here x

Same here i'm affraid, i just put in repeat prescriptions, i had to harass my doctor for my diabetic eye screening as i had only had one in 7 yrs!! I have had one Hba1c when i was in hospital in 08 with Dka and one when i came out of hospital at the end of last feb...was'nt told the results to the last one, but the first was high 20's. I've come to the conclusion that at a lot of doctors they will leave you to your own devices unless you keep on at them. 😡
i can see my care team as often as i like but it is a minimum of every 3 months (they like to do my a1c at that point). also if i have a problem then i go to my dsn who tries to help, if she cant she will book me in to see my consultant (who is really really superb) and he see's if he can sort it out. if not he will then consult his fellow professors who he works on medical tests with (like finding a cure for us lol). all in all it takes about a week for this to happen.

if your care is totally rubbish (and it sounds like it is for you) then i would look at changing doctors and for the type 1's maybe look at if your pct has a specialist diabetes centre in your area.
i can see my care team as often as i like but it is a minimum of every 3 months (they like to do my a1c at that point). also if i have a problem then i go to my dsn who tries to help, if she cant she will book me in to see my consultant (who is really really superb) and he see's if he can sort it out. if not he will then consult his fellow professors who he works on medical tests with (like finding a cure for us lol). all in all it takes about a week for this to happen.

if your care is totally rubbish (and it sounds like it is for you) then i would look at changing doctors and for the type 1's maybe look at if your pct has a specialist diabetes centre in your area.

Yeah good idea Mike.. but it is easier to moan than do something about it :D I was seen by a specialist at Whiston last year who was lovely but they were in the middle of building the new hospital at the time and the diabetes centre got moved to st helens hospital while whiston was getting finished and i sort of got lost in the system and havent seen anyone since. I will start harassing my doctor to get referred back to whiston now.
if your care is totally rubbish (and it sounds like it is for you) then i would look at changing doctors and for the type 1's maybe look at if your pct has a specialist diabetes centre in your area.[/QUOTE]

There are not too many doctors in my area, all are over subscribed, and all now have maps in their reception areas saying this is our catchment area. The other surgeries that are near to me I'd need to get a bus and I'm outside their catchment area just by the fact I am on the wrong side of the road. SOmetimes it is quicker to go to the hospital and wait for hours in A&E to get treatment. Last time I wanted to see my GP I had to wait two weeks.
insulinaddict, im at the new hospital too. the diabetes centre is now in the st helens new hospital and is fab. all the teams are great and i couldnt fault them for the care i get. i would defo harass your gp to get you a referal to the new centre.

caroline, i would look into the policies of the practice and then kindly remind them of the duty of care and also the nice standards which are set out to make sure the treatment you get is a1. also keep onto them if you feel you are getting substandard care and keep a diary of what, where, when and who of the treatment your getting. then present it to the practice manager, but keep a copy and for you and also forward one on to the pct and let them know whats going on.
insulinaddict, im at the new hospital too. the diabetes centre is now in the st helens new hospital and is fab. all the teams are great and i couldnt fault them for the care i get. i would defo harass your gp to get you a referal to the new centre.

caroline, i would look into the policies of the practice and then kindly remind them of the duty of care and also the nice standards which are set out to make sure the treatment you get is a1. also keep onto them if you feel you are getting substandard care and keep a diary of what, where, when and who of the treatment your getting. then present it to the practice manager, but keep a copy and for you and also forward one on to the pct and let them know whats going on.

Yeah will do thanks Mike.. will make an appointment today at Gps to get it sorted. might see you there!! :D lol
I'm really pleased with the level of care that I get. I'm seen by the diabetes clinic what should be every 6 months (works out to be about 8 months as they have so many patients). Once is for the annual review where I get full blood and urine tests, feet check, injections, blood pressure, weight etc with the DSN and then an appointment with the consultant as well as eye screening. The 6 month review is all the above except fewer blood tests and no eye screening. They also are always on the other end of the phone when I need then (usually call back within a few hours) and do a drop in session every morning where you can see a DSN without an appointment.
I don't see my GP a great deal but never have a problem with getting an appointment and they're happy to do an hba1c on me if it's been a while since the hospital saw me. They're also fine for my repeat prescriptions and I get called for the flu jab regularly.

I do feel incredibly lucky with the support I get.
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