St Swithin's Day reminder.


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a shout out to all those hard core St Swithin's Day club members...... Don't forget to change your lancets today!

I know it feels like a bit of a waste now that we have CGM and those lancets barely do the work in a year that they would have done in a months, and even more of a waste now that I have 3 lancing devices in use stashed in various places, so that is 3 to change. It seems like sheer decadence but on the positive side I may only need to live to 150 to use my box of lancets up!
Oh my - the rain was absolutely torrential when I came home this afternoon. Doesn't bode well for a good harvest.
Hehe! I saw this mentioned on the waking average this morning and thought of you @rebrascora

You’ve enthusiastically embraced the St Swithins legend and work diligently to keep it alive!
The rain forecast for mid-day never came but half-an-hour it got dark and now it is pouring! (deck cloud, rain, umbrella emojis)
Yep - Sky having a few issues lol:(
Yes, after it being fine all day here.... for once .... and sweltering and luring me into a false sense of hope for the next 40 days, the heavens have just opened, so it looks like we are in for yet more rain for the rest of the summer now..... "What summer??" I here you exclaim!

I am starting to develop "trench foot" from wearing soggy trainers for the last couple of months after spending all autumn, winter and spring in wellies!
Yes, after it being fine all day here.... for once .... and sweltering and luring me into a false sense of hope for the next 40 days, the heavens have just opened, so it looks like we are in for yet more rain for the rest of the summer now..... "What summer??" I here you exclaim!

I am starting to develop "trench foot" from wearing soggy trainers for the last couple of months after spending all autumn, winter and spring in wellies!
Same here. We had lunch outside and then at 5pm I had to dash out for me washing!
Just a shout out to all those hard core St Swithin's Day club members...... Don't forget to change your lancets today!

I know it feels like a bit of a waste now that we have CGM and those lancets barely do the work in a year that they would have done in a months, and even more of a waste now that I have 3 lancing devices in use stashed in various places, so that is 3 to change. It seems like sheer decadence but on the positive side I may only need to live to 150 to use my box of lancets up!
The march of technology!

I can remember being appalled at the thought of having to prick my fingers when blood testing was introduced & replaced urine testing in the 1980’s- that was with the Autolet guillotine finger destroying instrument of torture! 😱

I did use to change my lancet ‘regularly’ once a year on St Swithins Day, it was a good reminder. Now my finger pricker only gets used a few times a month. My box of lancets from 2007 is still nearly full & looks like staying that way.
The march of technology!

I can remember being appalled at the thought of having to prick my fingers when blood testing was introduced & replaced urine testing in the 1980’s- that was with the Autolet guillotine finger destroying instrument of torture! 😱

I did use to change my lancet ‘regularly’ once a year on St Swithins Day, it was a good reminder. Now my finger pricker only gets used a few times a month. My box of lancets from 2007 is still nearly full & looks like staying that way.

They were bl**dy painful!

Finally found out where the St Swithin's Day prophesy comes from:
St Swithin was the Bishop of Winchester from 852 to 862 AD.
On his request, rather than being buried in Winchester cathedral, he was buried in a simple tomb in the graveyard "where the sweet rain of heaven may fall upon my grave".
However, on 15 July 971 AD his body was moved inside the cathedral.
A huge storm then hit and it supposedly rained for 40 days after.
Legend suggests that the spirit of St Swithin was so outraged at being moved that he was responsible for this weather.
I guess the moral of the story is "Don't upset dead saints."
I had one in my Diabetes Museum but it all got chucked when others cleared my house after I lost my leg! Together with other items it feels like a large part of my defining history has been edited out! :(

After short while & very sore fingers mine went in bin so ended up just sticking lancer in my finger manually, it was less painful & far less faff.
Very glad I didn’t join the club back then!!
It must have put people off eating