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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have checked the can and it has zero sugar, zero calories and Zero carbs, I have cut out all carbonated drinks but am feeling so poorly, can someone confirm that fizzy drinks without sugar wont be an issue with diabetes. I am struggling with strep throat and constipation at the moment (not linked) and cant face food and craving a cold can of sprite, I have woken up today at 6am and had a coffee but really want a cold fizzy drink, seems to help my throat more than hot drinks. In my logical head if no calories it should be OK but is artificial sweetener a problem?
I’m a Diet Coke addict, I couldn’t survive the day without a cold can. Yes, excess artificial sweetener probably isn’t good for you but the odd can is fine. Millions drink it don’t forget. Just a thought, if you’re feeling a bit rough maybe a fizzy drink with sugar in might be better for you to sip throughout the day. It might give you some much needed energy. Hope you feel better soon.

Edited to add, a sugary drink may help with your constipation if you can’t face anything else.
I’m a Diet Coke addict, I couldn’t survive the day without a cold can. Yes, excess artificial sweetener probably isn’t good for you but the odd can is fine. Millions drink it don’t forget. Just a thought, if you’re feeling a bit rough maybe a fizzy drink with sugar in might be better for you to sip throughout the day. It might give you some much needed energy. Hope you feel better soon.

Edited to add, a sugary drink may help with your constipation if you can’t face anything else.
Thanks @eggyg I am quite scared of sugar at the moment, especially drinks as think that will spike quickly my BG. I know what you mean about sugar helping constipation, as before I changed my diet after diagnosis I had IBS which could mean going up to 12 times a day,, much worse after having my gall bladder removed 20 years ago. I became used to going so often, the only time I have been constipated in the past is when I broke my leg and was on opiods (didnt go for 2 weeks while in hospital) and another time abroad when I had a different diet. One thing that does help I have found but probably not recommended is drinking a couple of large glasses of red wine! Not sure why as I would have thought alcohol would also cause constipation.

I am expecting a delivery of Movicol today, which should hopefully get things moving, but what with my sore throat and stomach cramps I am not feeling like eating at all. I was meant to be out for dinner tonight but as strep throat is very contagious I will give it a miss even if I improve, apparently if you dont have antibiotics (which I havent got) you can be contagious for 3 weeks after you feel better, if you do have them you become less infectious 48 hours after starting them. I am only guessing this is strep throat as 2 in my household have it and I have the same symptoms.
If you want cold drinks then sparkling or still flavoured water is refreshing. Gargling with soluble paracetamol may help your throat.
Sometimes, blood sugars have to be considered after morale. I hope you feel better soon.
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