Springs diabetic Neal tries to qualify Thursday for Olympic 10K trials

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
His first visit to a hospital at age 28 seemed unnecessary. As a kid growing up on a small self-sufficient Missouri farm, Tommy Neal learned he would ?just get over? anything that bothered him.

In June 2011 Neal had qualified for the Olympic marathon trials by speeding through a half-marathon in 1 hour, 5 minutes, a personal record.

Now in December and five weeks before the trials event, he sat in an emergency room. At 6-foot-2 he weighed roughly 129 pounds. His blood sugar measured 800, about nine times normal.

At least he knew why for the past few months he couldn?t run like he used to. His paces were off. More sleep hadn?t helped. And he already ate healthy foods.

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