Spreadsheet tracking

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, I’m obviously new to the forum otherwise I wouldn’t be posting here . I was diagnosed type 2 over three years ago. In this time I have developed a rather nifty spreadsheet that tracks my levels (weight and blood sugar) that also tells me my BMI. I find having all this graphed out a really big help and incentive to aid me in keeping my levels down to around 6 - 7.5 daily and loose weight.

If anyone is interested in a copy then just PM me with your email and I can send it over. If you think any additional features would be good then suggest them and I will see what I can do.

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Welcome Oggy, wow I am impressed with the fact you designed and monitor things so well, I wish I could be that disciplined 😉
Welcome Oggy a great start and someone who is keen on keeping things on track. For myself I would have to add extra columns of 2 hours after breakfast and before evening meal as well as a lunch time recordings, also a random column of testing with a time stamp to meet DVLA requirements of testing before driving.

I started doing one similar a few years ago. never got around to complete it (had enough of spread sheets at work), which perhaps I should relook at it as my current meter has a phone app that can export the results in a csv format and the meter has meal and activity markers on it (could use the activity marker as a DVLA test). Then could do the spread sheet to show trends and patterns tweaked to my own needs.
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