spirit combo cannulas

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Although i'm still waiting for an upgrade to an Insight pump, in the meantime I no longer want to keep using the rapid D-link cannulas as I'm having painful times and high bloods. I really want a flex link that will be compatible with my spirit combo but have no idea what the product number is so I can order some. I spoke to a guy on the helpline who of course was in America as it is weekend, but the product number he gave me was nothing like those on the Roche accuchek website! Does anyone use infusion sets/cannulas for my pump with an inserter?
So frustrated that the '3 prong' ones aren't compatible with stupid one hole D-Links!
Hi Michele
Welcome to the forum.

I use the flex link with the inserter.
The codes are
Cannulas (6mm) 06593941001
Infusion sets (6mm/60cm) 0462635001

I find the phone line usually switches back to the UK between 08:00 and 20:00
They only take orders Mon to Fri during work hours.

I hope that helps
I usually order by email.
thank you so much, So do I need to order both? the clinic gave me a flexlink plus and a link assist to practice with - neither of which are compatible with the d-link of course! I'm so sick of waiting for my DSN to get back to me all the time I thought I would just get on with it myself. The warranty for my current pump expired 4 months ago despite constant reminders from me to the clinic all through last summer.
I went on the website to order what I thought I needed but I really wasn't sure what to plump for
Our clinic like us to keep giong for as long as possible with the pump we have, so often wait an extra 6 months before they have a group to do a changeover at the same time. I managed to get mine two weeks early because I was definitely sticking with a combo.

If you need flexlink (they are the flexible straight in ones) you need: cannulas, infusion sets and most use an inserter (I tried some without and found they bent but I know some don't bother with that)

I hope that you get it sorted.
There is a difference between the flexlink and flexlink plus. If you go for flexlink plus you do not need an inserter but I think you still need both cannulas and infusion sets. The codes that I gave you are for flexlink.
thank you so much, So do I need to order both? the clinic gave me a flexlink plus and a link assist to practice with - neither of which are compatible with the d-link of course! I'm so sick of waiting for my DSN to get back to me all the time I thought I would just get on with it myself. The warranty for my current pump expired 4 months ago despite constant reminders from me to the clinic all through last summer.
I went on the website to order what I thought I needed but I really wasn't sure what to plump for
There is a difference between the flexlink and flexlink plus. If you go for flexlink plus you do not need an inserter but I think you still need both cannulas and infusion sets. The codes that I gave you are for flexlink.
There is a difference between the flexlink and flexlink plus. If you go for flexlink plus you do not need an inserter but I think you still need both cannulas and infusion sets. The codes that I gave you are for flexlink.

Thanks, it's the flexlink I want. I shall phone them tomorrow as couldn't see the 0462635001 on the order table, the cannulas were there though but makes sense to order both at the same time. just hope the leg site I'm using will stay problem free and I don't need to change it for a few days!
When I phone, I never end up giving them the codes, as the order people seem to cope with descriptions and are always so helpful.

I hope that you get it sorted.
Yes you do need both, the infusion sets come with tubing included (the 60 bit in the description is the length of the tube, they are also available in 30 and 80 I think) and the cannulas don't come with tubing. You need the new tubing when you do a pump refill, and cannula only when you change in between refills. I think the Combo is quite unusual with its large cartridge size, in that most people don't need to refill the pump every time they do a cannula change. We find a full cartridge lasts 5-6 days but obviously you shouldn't leave the same cannula in for more than 3 days!
Yes you do need both, the infusion sets come with tubing included (the 60 bit in the description is the length of the tube, they are also available in 30 and 80 I think) and the cannulas don't come with tubing. You need the new tubing when you do a pump refill, and cannula only when you change in between refills. I think the Combo is quite unusual with its large cartridge size, in that most people don't need to refill the pump every time they do a cannula change. We find a full cartridge lasts 5-6 days but obviously you shouldn't leave the same cannula in for more than 3 days!
Thank you for the advice, it's hard to get enough info from the accuchek site. Fingers crossed I will be able to order tomorrow morning
woo hoo! I finally managed to insert a flexlink cannula and infusion set!! so chuffed. I kind of tried several times recently but couldn't work out how to remove the blue thing afterwards. Today I felt enough was enough and told myself to stop being a wimp and give it a last try as I'm running out of D-links
.....oh no, spoke too soon, pump now telling me I have an occlusion :(
Michele, you know when you ring Roche, you have a choice between the pump order line and the Tech Helpline? - well if you ring the Helpline during weekday office hours, you normally get a helper in the UK - and you can ask them literally ANYTHING to do with the pump, the meter/handset or any of the cannulas, tubing, inserters, putting new batteries in, filling reservoirs - ANYTHING. And they'll explain, properly and very very patiently!
thanks Jenny. 🙂 I really just wanted someone to show me face to face. Anyway, I ended up changing my pump site 6 times in the end yesterday as my BS kept rising, and it didn't feel comfortable so now after changing back to a rapid D-link at 2.am I might just order another box or two of those while I wait for an upgrade. The problem is me really - after 45 yrs of injections/pump I find it really hard to find somewhere to stick the cannula where it doesn't hurt and actually works properly 😱 As we all know, some weeks are just worse than others til the sites heal I guess
Hi Michele I have started to move round to upper backside where I have some spare 'padding'. So long as I can reach it with the inserter for the flexlink it goes in and then I squeeze the sides of blue bits to remove it and then take out the needle.
If you are having difficulties and have no joy with the pump careline (although as others have said they are so patient and helpful and really don't mind how many questions you ask) you could contact the DSN, who could help you or sort you out with the local rep who can then do face to face help.

I hope you get it sorted. I certainly found the flexlink a lot more comfortable than the rapid D. They just hurt when I bent over.
thanks for the advice. I'll have to try that. I did try that area once but found when I had to climb over a few gates the area went into spasm, but maybe it was too high up. I managed to try that little flexlink plus inserter when I saw my DSN and pump rep one visit when I was deciding whether to upgrade to an insight or not, but my DSN has reduced her hours and won't give me contact details for a more local DSN until I start a new pump! vicious circle etc hence why I try to figure it all out on my own. Diabetes care seems to be suffering from cutbacks just like everything else I guess.
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