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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Help please. Have been diabetic for over 50 years, and have been on a pump for less than a year,and generally find it ok. My problem is 2 hours after breakfast my blood sugars go through the roof and then 2 hours later drop down to an acceptable level. Have tried all the different procedures ie:- 1 1/2 insulin, dual wave, square, having infusion 30 mins before breakfast etc. At the moment am trying 1 1/2 and reducing basal to 20% 2 hours after breakfast but again no success. If I did not reduce my basal I would be Hypo. Any ideas please
Hi Bezza,

Have you tried asking in the pumpers thread?

What does your diabetes team have to say on the subject?
Hi Bezza,

My son has only been pumping for 2 months - so you will know more than me.

But, what basal rate are you on when you increase by 20%? If your on a lowish amount anyway - then 20% may not be making much difference. Also, have you tried eating different foods? Cereal always causes a spike - so i know how you feel! Are you sure your basal is correct for this time of the day? Are you sure your ratio is correct?
If i changed the basal rate for this time i would need to do it 2 hours before its needed - as it takes this long to see any effect. When are you changing yours?
You could try increasing your ratio -which of course may induce a hypo - but you could eat a ceral bar or similar to stop this happening. Are you carb counting?🙂Bev
Thanks Bev,due to the fact that I am having 1 1/2 for brekie my basal is kept the same as through the night ie:- .80%, then after 2 hours I drop it to.20%. Yes I have had carb free breakfasts and my blood sugars still rise. Yes I am carb counting, 2 shredded wheat 3 small slices of orange and 3 unsweetened prunes which equals 40grams,so am taking 6 units of Insulin.Perhaps as you suggested increase my basal to 120% 2 hours before brekkie have 1 to 1 and then back to .80% 2 hours after.
Thanks have not posted on pumpers thread. My DSN have suggested all the things I have done.
If your still rising after a no carb meal - then its probably the basal thats wrong. How much are you rising by?
The best thing to do is to put this question on the pumpers thread as you will get more answers- i am no expert - you need Adrienne! What pump are you on? Perhaps Northerner could move this to the pumpers thread?🙂Bev
Hi Bezza,

I was in much the same situation a month or two ago. What I found that needed doing was my breakfast insulin to carbohydrate ratio needed to be raised. It's currently at 2.5 units to ten grammes of carbohydrate. That had to come down from three units to ten grammes as I've been hypoing alot recently.

Similar situation to you in that I have been T1 for 42 years and on a pump for around 6 months.

Bev has hit the nail on the head I think - on the assumption that before breakfast your BG is on target, take a no carb breakfast and see how you get on with that. If you get a rise in BG above say 1mmol/l over the next few hours, it's the basal which needs adjusting upwards, starting 1 hour or a wee bit more before the rise in BG begins. On the other hand, if, after a no carb breakfast, BG is relatively stable, it is the Carb to Insulin ratio which needs increasing. As with all of these things - change one variable at a time and watch for trends over a couple of days.

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