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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How long should I expect for my readings to come down after eating, have seen a lot of readings etc from people's libre where they have more or less stayed in the green all day, myself no where near, I take a reading before insulin, work out how much for what I'm eating, inject, give it around 30..45 mins then have my meal, usually spike could occur 1 to 2 hrs later but can sometimes take 3 to 4 hrs to come down, going round in circles, am I taking my insulin to early to late or is my carb counting wrong, I will own up to having bread through the day ,not white but wholemeal etc or a jacket potato , even in the morning after having granola usually the same problem, any suggestions, been trying to discuss with my DN but she's obviously busy,any advice appreciated....Merry Xmas
How long should I expect for my readings to come down after eating, have seen a lot of readings etc from people's libre where they have more or less stayed in the green all day
That (for most of us) takes work, and quite a bit of luck. It's possible (for many of us) to time eating and bolusing such that we don't go above 10 but it doesn't happen all the time. Another trick which can work is to do a bit of exercise a little after eating (so go for a walk half an hour to an hour after eating).

I wouldn't worry too much about it if you're getting reasonable results.
I wouldn’t worry about short-term spikes @Charl Years ago, we didn’t even test after meals. The targets were - and still are - to be in range, preferably 4-7, by the next meal. What’s your TIR like? As long as that’s ok, I wouldn’t worry.
Target range 4 -7 my bloods are usually dropping then...
TIR 55 green....7 days
58 green....14
55 green....30
Yes I agree with above aiming to be between 4 and 7 contiousllys 24/7 is not relestic nor is it what gernak guideince target range for people on cgms is usually 4 to 10(well in a lot of if cases 3.9 to 10). And the goal there is to be in that range 70% of the time. So hiting 58% in range with the target with being set at 4 to 7 you may well beung reaching the 70% target if being between 4 and 10
Target range 4 -7 my bloods are usually dropping then...
TIR 55 green....7 days
58 green....14
55 green....30

Yep - too low/narrow a target range. Mine is set at 3.9 to 10. This is far more realistic and also reduces the risk of hypos and loss of hypo awareness.
Took insulin at 11.30, had lunch at 12.20....once again have had to have snack to try and keep numbers up before tea, is that the way it's supposed to be, once again more confusion.
Good to see that you are using the more realistic target of 3.9 - 10.
I used to work to 4-7 and drove myself to distraction unecessarily.

This Is the list that I put together from Think Like A Pancreas:

Do something for 15 min after a meal
This can be something very simple like clear up before sitting down, or going out for a walk.

Work out pre bolus time for meals through the day
I need different pre bo,us times for different meals.

Adjust boluses according to the different types of carbs.
I found that high fat meals I needed to split my insulin or used a multi wave bolus on a pump. Some insulin up front, some later

Smaller amounts of carbs have smaller spikes.
Okay this is obvious but I started in the time before sensors existed, when I was told you can eat whatever you want just match the amount of insulin.
I now bulk meals with lower carb options, such as increasing green veg, and have a target number of carbs for each meal which suits me.

Use sensor info to identify what foods cause you problems
I was surprised how spikey porridge was for me. I chose to eliminate that (most of the time)

(All of these ideas go out of the window when I eat out and don’t know when the food will arrive)

As others have said it takes work and time to sort out what sorts us.
I hope something there proves useful @Charl
Keep at it.
Don't try to change too many things at once either as that will just frustrate you...I know it did me. Second everything said by @SB2015. I was struggling to get up to 70% in range for a while and hovering around 60%. I went down to 3% TIR once but pleased to say I'm at 78% right now. Keep experimenting.
Do you do much exercise/activity in the afternoon which would bring you down like that?
If not then it looks like you may need to adjust your lunch time ratio from those two graphs as they are both very similar.
What does your "daily patterns" graph look like for the past 7 days?
Before dinner reading 6.4
Carb count was 71 for dinner, took 10.5 units of insulin, usually would have only took 7units but trying to keep the spike low, above is reading at 3.15, obviously taking extra insulin doesn't work,any suggestions. Merry Xmas
Do you do much exercise/activity in the afternoon which would bring you down like that?
If not then it looks like you may need to adjust your lunch time ratio from those two graphs as they are both very similar.
What does your "daily patterns" graph look like for the past 7 days?

Taking more insulin than you need for the carbs you eat will just make you hypo later. You need to prebolus the correct amount of insulin further in advance of your meal or eat foods which will release slower.... or ask to change to a faster acting insulin if those first 2 options don't work or are not feasible.
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