spikes and slow corrections

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Yesterday I began the day on a basal setting of +10%.... which for me translates to 40.2 total daily. But I know to change it to +20% (43.8) at breakfast and set a temp basal at 110% for about 7 hours.
Bear with me I'm insulin resistant with weight just increasing each year. I have ME to exercise not easy. Hard to concentrate so I have to pick my clearer moments to work through what I have to do.
So back to yesterday.... my bloods were 3.9. I didn't go straight for sugar, I had my usual burgen toast. 24 units carbs.
My pump wouldn't let me take insulin at this level of course so after I had the toast I took insulin for part of it. The other part would be for the low sugar.
It may have been a causous move not to do the 110% basal but I knew that my sugars would spike even with the low.
And they did spike.
An hour later to 11. Then shortly after to 14.
By an hour later to 16.
My pump told me to take 3.45 correction, I did.
2pm my blood was 14
3pm 9
5 pm 7.1

I didn't eat between breakfast and dinner as I was waiting for sugars to come down.
No two days are similar except that I know I need less basal from mid - late afternoon til early next morning
I have made some individual hourly basal adjustments but nothing major hence why I adjust the basal manually daily until I can figure out what best to do
Equally a hypo can drop in every now and again to say hello
I have followed low to no carbs and Keto diet before but got fed up with no weight loss and still have to take similar amount of bolus for a green salad as I do a sandwich
I have been an anomaly and point of confusion with my team for years
Stress is assumed the contributing factor.
Tried cbd oil recently. 2 weeks seemed to help and brought basal down a bit.
When the bottle was empty I tried a slightly stronger one and it didn't help
Open to any thoughts
Hi thanks for your reply.
I do quite a lot of intermittent fasting.
Today I dropped to a 4 by lunch time. No patterns of reasons. Maybe the suns out less today.
Yesterday morning was 12 g carb for the hypo and 12g carb for breakfast.
Not much carbs
If I hadn't skipped lunch then my sugars would have spiked in the afternoon to evening.
I've carb counted since daphne for years... I'm just very insulin resistant.
I can get my bloods shoot up to 18 just having a chat with an old friend!
When it spikes it spikes but then takes hours to get down and have to be very careful not to then bounce
Can be very reactive
Sounds like gobbledygook I know but that's the way it is
Oh and less carbs less insulin sometimes but not always. As I said... I've had to have the same amount of insulin for a green salad as sandwich very often... and I'm still active in the house just not managing long walks
Going to try swimming again and see if I can manage
Sounds like the diabetes fairy is running you a bit ragged @Moo

Have you done a set of fasting basal tests recently to check your basal profile is doing its job properly? There’s a sticky at the top of the pumping section.
Too much info & not enough ? What do you do & did you have a salad or sandwich. Big difference. Pumps are good but its what info is put in to them. Good luck & welcome 🙂
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