Special thanks to the Forum: Blog

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Diabetes UK

Know Diabetes. Fight Diabetes
Staff member
I thought I would share this wonderful blog post from Simon McCoy, who has shared his journey of denial from his diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, to where he is today.

It really highlights the huge impact this forum can have on someone's life and the exceptional support and knowledge that each of you are so kind in sharing on here. I am often overwhelmed with how incredibly supportive everyone is and feel that this is a good reminder of the value and impact that you can all have on other members and also to the thousands more who read threads on here each month.


".....I came across the Diabetes UK Forum. This was the best source of information: real people, real experience and most of all real compassion. I highly recommend it, I learnt a lot from these people. I’m now less fearful, more knowledgeable and knowledge is power.

Where am I now? I am now on two types of insulin three times a day. I’m fine and I have learned to live with the with the injections. Together with talking therapy and other therapies I have made good progress. I would like to thank my wife and daughter for the hell I put them through this year – they have been my rocks.

I would also like to give a special thanks to the Diabetes UK Forum who have helped me more than I could have ever imagined with all their experience and compassion."
That's terrific to know that we have been able to help Simon get to grips with things 🙂 I will never tire of seeing how kind and helpful people can be here, and I know that it has transformed many lives since its introduction in 2008 - mine included 🙂 Keep up the good work Simon! 🙂
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