Speaking of Benefits dodgers...

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Here's a classic... NOT!

The mind Boggles!

"Rochdale coma woman Sheila Holt told to 'find work'

An "unreserved apology" had been issued by the government to the family of a woman who was sent a letter encouraging her to find work even though she has been in a coma for two months.

Speaking in the Commons, the Minister for Disabled People Mike Penning said things had clearly "gone wrong".../"
my o/h has a paraplegic client in a similar boat threatened with eviction 🙄😱
What I don't understand about all this harassment and badgering of the disabled is the fact that there are nearly 1m unemployed young, probably fit and active people in this country. In which universe is an employer going to choose a long term unemployed 60 year old disabled person over one of these youngsters? There simply aren't the jobs available.

I'm all in favour of helping people, whatever their handicap, to find gainful and rewarding employment, but there has to be realism involved, not just saving minute amounts of money from those most in need and least able to fight back :( If any money is actually saved anyway in the long run, after the appeal fails :(
I think they are picking on them because they are easy targets, don't no how they can sleep at night.
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