spare pen?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Yesterday I was invited to spend the day with friends, christening their new barbecue. Everything was perfect, sitting in the sunshine doing what we girls do best, gossiping and watching the men doing the cooking. And I bet it all tasted very nice. Yes, after over a year of insulin injections, I still keep forgetting to take my pen with me.😡

How do you deal with that. Can you always remember to take it or do you have a spare pen?
It's hard being human too, I often do two journeys instead of one!

I've got better recently got a small pouch to put all my "tools" in and I take it everywhere with me.
I have an understanding GP who knows I have a memory like a thingy-m-jig...

As such I have three pens for my NovaRapid - two of them are old and are the ones I keep in the novapen carry case plus the three needles and travel with to the office and out and about.

In addition at key locations, the fridge at the office etc and I my desk drawer I have some syringes just in case I am too busy packing the dog into the car and forget my pen.

During the summer I use a frio to keep the one pen cool all the time.

We are human and asking the doc for a spare pen prescription shouldn't be a big problem, the other option is to tell them you lost it 😉

Ah, just remember you're only supposed to use the cartridge for 28 days from the first time you use it!
Yesterday I was invited to spend the day with friends, christening their new barbecue. Everything was perfect, sitting in the sunshine doing what we girls do best, gossiping and watching the men doing the cooking. And I bet it all tasted very nice. Yes, after over a year of insulin injections, I still keep forgetting to take my pen with me.😡

How do you deal with that. Can you always remember to take it or do you have a spare pen?

what a shame!! i usually always take my insulin pens, glucose meter etc with me when i go out anywhere. You never know when you will be delayed in an emergency or just bumping in to a friend you havent seeen for ages. when first diagnosed i wasnt very organised so used to forget it sometimes, if i knew i was only going to be a couple of hours i would just eat and sort out the high sugars when i got home.I am NOT recommending anyone else do this though, it was a personal choice, i also wouldnt do this on a regular basis.
I always take mine with me, with one notable exception a couple of weeks ago when I totally forgot and hadn't realised until my lunch was served. I let everyone start before me so we were ready to go as soon as I finished then we raced the 5 mile or so drive home so I could do my insulin, wouldn't reccommed that as an approach though!
I do have a spare pen but that's more incase there is a problem with one.
i keep a spare one at my sisters house for emergency purposes, as ive lost my once before when it fell out of my bag!!
Just recently got my sons prescription for Novorapid and it has come in disposable pen form rather than the small cartridges.Maybe this would help, so you can keep one with you.


I don't inject, but find it helps to keep a bag with all that I need in one place. Then when I go out I have pills, puncture kit and anything else I might need (jelly babies for the unlikely hypo and restless kids) in one place ready to pick up.
I have been told by my GP in the past that I am only allowed 1 pen on prescription. I keep it in my bag along with the Lantus disposable pen, meter, diary and all the other gubbins.
I have been told by my GP in the past that I am only allowed 1 pen on prescription. I keep it in my bag along with the Lantus disposable pen, meter, diary and all the other gubbins.

Only one pen??? i get a prescription for a box of 5 pens for my Humalog and 5 for my Levemir!! I just put in a repeat when i get down to 2 pens in the fridge. I must admit my doctor is the last person you would go to see when ill,
but if you just want repeat prescriptions he's great!!:D:D
doe's everyone else keep a diary of their glucose levels, insulin doses or is it just me?? In the last 14mths since going on insulin i filled loads of diaries.
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if you want a spare pen for novorapid then ask your dsn for one. they get loads as freebies off the reps when they come in so have normally got hundreds.

i have got about 5 pens in total (some are really old ones now but kept incase of emergencies etc) but i love the new novopens, they are fab. i'd also have no problems getting them on repeat from the doctors if i needed them.
I have spare but thats incase they break. I always carry my meter and pens in my bag when i go out, even if it's only for a short while and no eating is planned. Only time I've forgotton is once when i went to work, but just borrowed some from work (in a hospital).
Defn ask dsn - I have now a Humalog Memoir pen, tjhat can tell me iWhwn I last injected, time and date, and how many units. Not available on prescription yet, but just ask!
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