Spam Increases Diabetes Risk Two-Fold in American Indians

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A new study reveals American Indian who frequently ate processed meat in a can, known as ?spam,? had double the risk of developing diabetes compared to those who ate little to none, reported Reuters.

Processed, canned meat is a food subsidized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture?s food assistance program that is commonly found on reservations.

Researchers surveyed 2,000 American Indians with an average age of 35 from Arizona, Oklahoma and North and South Dakota to examine potential causes of the high rate of the disease. ?Fifty percent of American Indians develop diabetes by age 55,?

Certainly (probably because of my Usenet posting history) some of the spam I've received has been about D meds... :D
can I now blame my parents for my diabetes???? they fed me on Spam during my childhood!! 😛

sorry...... it isn't a laughing matter. feel so sorry for those who are affected.... my humble apology 😱

still blaming my parents though ..... for the disgusting taste of the stuff :D
Grilled spam sandwiches with brown sauce - mmmmmmmm!!!! 🙂

blwwuuurrrr!!!!!!!!....... or words to that effect! you trying to make me feel more ill than I already am????
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