Spa Day

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey everyone!

For my friends birthday in a couple of weeks we are spending the day at a spa and getting some treatments. when we were booking it the beautician said that if we had any medical conditions like diabetes we would need a doctors letter (she was unclear what the letter was to say) and even then they may not allow the person to be treated incase they faint and need sugar! Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experiences at a spa? I think this is a little excessive im only getting a facial and a manicure!
That is really annoying. To be honest whenever something says "do not use if diabetic" I just ignore it, most things say that!! I just don't tell people if I think they are going to tell me I can't do it or can't have it 😉

Since you have told her already (im guessing), just go to the doctor and im sure they will write something to say it's completely find for you to have the treatment 🙄
The spa might have a point if you were having a pedicure, but can't see any additional problems for manicure or facial with diabetes. If you're with friends, then surely they would give you any sugar if needed?
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often any treatments involving heat (some massages, steam room, sauna etc) will say not for diabetics as heat can increase the risk if a hypo. I can understand why but my perspective as long as you're aware of that and have good hypo warnings there shouldn't be a problem...
I hate it on things when it says no not use if diabetic.
Like waxing strips, There is no reason for me not to use them i have full felling in my legs and feet.
When i went to Yoga the first time she asked use lots of questions and back ache, if we where pregent , i hate how diabetes falls into the same catergory.
Soon it willbe on rollercoaster warning signs. The whole world is getting to PC.
Its not fair on us at all.
i stayed at a hotel recently with a spa and before I coudl use the facilities (sauna, steam, swimming pool). I had to sign a medical thing. I had to indicate that I had diabetes, the guy just said as long as we know and you have some glucose near you then it's fine.
I think most people with diabetes are (or should) be responsible enough to look after themselves and be aware of things that might affect their blood sugar levels.
i stayed at a hotel recently with a spa and before I coudl use the facilities (sauna, steam, swimming pool). I had to sign a medical thing. I had to indicate that I had diabetes, the guy just said as long as we know and you have some glucose near you then it's fine.
I think most people with diabetes are (or should) be responsible enough to look after themselves and be aware of things that might affect their blood sugar levels.
i agree sofaraway, not many of us would put ourselves at risk. i am over cautious though. i have glucose all over the house just in case, and always have lucozade in my handbag. that gives me a thought... the makers of lucozade must be rubbing their hands in glee every time a new diabetic is diagnosed !! they make a fortune out of us!!!!
I think we should look after ourselves. But I do know plenty of peopel and incidents where people don't.
Lucozade is too heavy for me I have it at home but rarely use it as I can drink the whole bottle in the midst of a hypo and don't like the bouncing up high after a hypo.
glucotabs are great and am going to ask for them on prescription next time I see my GP
I think we should look after ourselves. But I do know plenty of peopel and incidents where people don't.
Lucozade is too heavy for me I have it at home but rarely use it as I can drink the whole bottle in the midst of a hypo and don't like the bouncing up high after a hypo.
glucotabs are great and am going to ask for them on prescription next time I see my GP
i know what you mean about lucozade, it does have you bouncing off the walls!! im not keen on glucotabs they taste too sweet and its like eating chalk. i have glucogel which i get on prescription. i leave the tubes everywhere!! in the bathroom ( ive hypo'd in shower before) at my mother-in-laws, in the car, iv'e got them stashed everywhere!!
I expect most of us have traces of diabetes all over our houses. I wonder how long it would take for us to recognise another diabetics house when walking in if you didn't already know.
I kinda like that they taste like chalk, means I don't ever eat them apart from hypo's. I knwo people use skittles and say they are very effective. but skittles in my bag would not last 5 minutes, i love them. glucogel makes me gag I've ha dit before and foudn it so disgusting would never again if I was alert enough for somethign else.
I use jelly babies for hypos, the Bassetts ones are 5g carbs each so it is easy to know how many to have, and they aren't too heavy to carry in my bag. At this time of year you can get big boxes and tins rather than the usual smaller bags, and the supermarkets are discounting them. But I stick with Bassetts, I have tried other brands like Iceland ones and they are horrible.

I know we would not put ourselves at risk, but we are the type who come on a messageboard to learn more about our condition. I am sure there are people out there who do not look after themselves, I used to be one of them. And some people do look after themselves but may be prone to sudden and severe hypos where they have lost warning signs and the first they know is when they collapse, I am lucky never to have had that but I have heard of other diabetics who have terrible problems with it. So it is important for these places to know about diabetics for everyone's safety even though it may seem tiresome.
I expect most of us have traces of diabetes all over our houses. I wonder how long it would take for us to recognise another diabetics house when walking in if you didn't already know.
I kinda like that they taste like chalk, means I don't ever eat them apart from hypo's. I knwo people use skittles and say they are very effective. but skittles in my bag would not last 5 minutes, i love them. glucogel makes me gag I've ha dit before and foudn it so disgusting would never again if I was alert enough for somethign else.
iv'e used skittles before but as you say, they are more likely to be eaten even when you are'nt hypo!! i love them. glucogel is disgusting, i only ever use it if i'm desperate! ha ha yeah i can spot a diabetic a mile off.
When I vist my parents house, you'd never know my dad was a diabetic. My mum and dad have quite a collection of pills in their medical cupboard, so unless you know what they are all for, you wouldn't know. I made my dad a present of a gluco meter and he just stuffed it in the corner still in the box, he wouldn't use it. Not sure that you'd know in my house either. We have a four year so ALL sweet are out of his reach as are ALL pills and potions and my gluco meter.
When I vist my parents house, you'd never know my dad was a diabetic. My mum and dad have quite a collection of pills in their medical cupboard, so unless you know what they are all for, you wouldn't know. I made my dad a present of a gluco meter and he just stuffed it in the corner still in the box, he wouldn't use it. Not sure that you'd know in my house either. We have a four year so ALL sweet are out of his reach as are ALL pills and potions and my gluco meter.
some diabetics are like that i know. my brother is type 1 and has been for over 20yrs, he does'nt use a glucose meter and never has lucozade or sweet things in the house. if he's hypo he has sugar water (yuck) i know what you mean about all our pills and potions out of the reach of children. my children are (12 tomorrow) and 15 so my sharps etc are not put away, im in the process of teaching my children how to inject me in case i am ill and cant do it myself. i have to put sharps box away when my nephew whos 3 comes to the house.
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Sensible warnings

often any treatments involving heat (some massages, steam room, sauna etc) will say not for diabetics as heat can increase the risk if a hypo. I can understand why but my perspective as long as you're aware of that and have good hypo warnings there shouldn't be a problem...

They are protecting themselves. I think it is sensible to put up warnings as not all diabetics may know that. I know I used the steam room at my gym a lot and it always had a negative effect on my blood sugar levels. However I do not think in anyway that diabetics should be barred from using them. Like sofaraway - it's about taking responsibility for yourself.
Kids are bad at touching things they shouldnt. This was years ago but i still remember it and it still makes me laugh.
My cousin was being naughty, messing with things. I was just having my dinner put my pen on the table as i went to get a fresh needle, he had already been told not to touch it, so when i turn round he is messings again. So i shouted at him. After dinner he thinks he will try it again and the lid comes off. Needle in his finger, well its like i told you so.
Gosh i sound mean, but i had told him so many times, so keep him safe.
I needed a doctor's letter to get an Indian head massage 🙄

These people are just covering themselves. People are so litigious that I would do the same in their position - if I was an aesthetician and a diabetic had a severe hypo while I was doing a treatment on them, I wouldn't want to be sued.
In times like these I just lie and don't mention the diabetes (unless I think there is a reasonable purpose for telling them).

In most cases it means I can't sue them if something happens, but mainly, I dont plan on suing people.
The phone went this afternoon - it was the gym offering me special membership deal as I was a lapsed member. The Christmas spirit just got me pass being extremely rude given they had put so many hurdles in my way when I was diagnosed with Type 2 that I chose not to go there any longer as I could walk in the park for free rather than simply be allowed to stroll gently on their treadmill! Their fear of me having a hypo was almost comical at a time when my blood glucose levels didn't get below the mid-teens so I dread to think how they would react now given my regular mid-morning dips.
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