soup and shake


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I got told I was diabetic type two over a year ago. I had my blood retaken they were only showing 48. They referred me to a dietician who said oh you are only just I will sign you up to an online class and that was the end of the hope she gave Nobody got in contact. Nobody did anything 14 months later on. I had another blood test. This result was in the 80s because I wasn’t supported the first time I have been put on Metformin and a statin as well as my medication for Adhd have been focused for five weeks and I have gone from , 23 stone to 19 stone two I contacted the dietician because I am struggling to keep going due to my neurological issues so I needed to change and switch it up I asked if I could do the shake and soup diet and they booked me an appointment for the dietician to ring me this morning then I got a text message this morning telling me I do not fit the criteria. I am failing to understand how I do not fit the criteria And the fact that they can just cut you off with no support and no person centred care as far as I know I hate every single criteria to be able to do this any ideas?
Hi @JaneT71, that sounds really frustrating and disheartening for you. There's some criteria mentioned here. Well done on your weight loss so far, that's a really substantial amount. Have you lost 4 stones in five weeks? That sounds a mega amount, but perhaps I've read that wrongly. There are plenty of people here in the community who will be able to support you. @Leadinglights, @JITR, @Drummer, @Vonny and @Martin.A, to name but a few....
Hi @JaneT71, that sounds really frustrating and disheartening for you. There's some criteria mentioned here. Well done on your weight loss so far, that's a really substantial amount. Have you lost 4 stones in five weeks? That sounds a mega amount, but perhaps I've read that wrongly. There are plenty of people here in the community who will be able to support you. @Leadinglights, @JITR, @Drummer, @Vonny and @Martin.A, to name but a few....
This is the most recent bit I have lost the rest since 5 months when I was told it’s just one big struggle
Have you found your weight loss journey to be a struggle? What's been your method?
So I have always been big because I had a binge eating habit and later on found out that this was due to my Adhd and I was searching for dopamine so it’s always been a struggle but over the years giving up smoking and going through the menopause I put on even more weight And then having to be told that you know you’ve got to get it off that the first thing that you do or I did was my brain process was okay diabetes that sugar I need to restrict my sugar so I went on fitness app and I lowered my daily sugar amount to like 5 g or something stupid I wasn’t thinking about any other contributing factors and then actually I came on here and somebody said to look at my carbohydrates When I started to do this I actually lowered my carbohydrates to 70 g a day. I knew this was under the 130 g but it gave me a bit of buoyancy if I went over and I didn’t realise that by doing that with carbohydrates automatically your sugars, lower in the amount you have a day this was great as you can see from the picture of above I was losing weight every day every day every day it was coming off. It was great. The problem that I have is that my brain will only tolerate something for so long then I get very bored very quickly so whilst I’m doing it I’m hyper focusing which is fantastic but then the next minute it’s almost like a light has been turned off and I’m not so I needed something new to focus my attention on to keep me going which I thought the soup and shaped diet would actually be quite good it would give me something to Keep me going. I did search the criteria I hit every single aspect of it but for some reason my dietician who has not been very person centred from the start has decided not to even ring me in person but to send me a text message telling me that I won’t be able to get it because I don’t hit the criteriia , so now I’m thinking what should I do now?
Your focus on limiting your carb intake has really helped and that's great. I hear your struggles linked to having ADHD. The lack of person-centred care is awful but you shouldn't (mustn't) stop there. Firstly, you could ask for a second opinion from another GP, especially if the GP who has denied your referral is not a GP with a special interest in diabetes. (You can usually see this type of information on the surgery's website). Secondly, another option could be to write to your GP's practice manager to ask what the clinical reasons are as to why the GP isn't referring you. As far as you can see, you meet the criteria.
You have made really great progress with your weight, well done!
The key thing is to treat this as a change in lifestyle, and ensure it is a change that you can live with going forward. There is no specific need to track sugar, so long as you keep an eye on the total carbs in items. Even if you aren't 'hyper-focusing' on it, remembering to keep an eye on it may still help keep the general downward trend continuing.
Hi @JaneT71 and really well done on losing so much weight. I lost a total of 5 stone by going low carb and increasing my walking. It must be hard with ADHD if you get bored with the same old routine. I actually find that keeping up the hyper-vigilance is the only way I can maintain it. I've kept a food diary for the last 4 years. Far from being bored by it, I actually enjoy writing everything I eat down, along with the calories and carbs, vs the cals expended and my weekly weight. In my case I do need to do this because I can only consume 1300 cals per day to maintain weight as I'm only 5'.
Maybe keeping a diary might give you some renewed impetus?
I'd go back to your GP to discuss your neurological issues and the dietician's comments re not fitting the criteria. They may be able to fast-track you or something if they realise how much you are struggling.
Whatever happens, keep posting on here because it really is an excellent way to let off steam!
Best wishes x
So I have always been big because I had a binge eating habit
That might be why you don’t fit the criteria, this diet isn’t usually advised to people with an eating disorder