Sort of a whinge

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
In spite of my improving numbers... or maybe because of them (I'm all at sixes and sevens just now :D) I've been feeling really rough these last few days. I ache all over, especially my shoulders and hips, I'm really tired and my BP is low-ish. I keep dropping things and I'm finding it hard to pick up or hold small objects, my hands don't feel numb or anything but they do feel cold to the touch. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I was out doing my volunteering thing today and it was a real struggle, I needed all my marbles but felt like I wasn't all there and I've been close to tears more than once. I don't know if it's the new pills or what, I'm due to see the doctor tomorrow so I'll talk to her about it. I just needed to have a moan.
it might be the new pills, or it might be if you're numbers are stable where they have been all over the place.

Great you are seeing the doctor tomorrow anyway, so tell him/her how you have been feeling. I hope you feel better.
it might be the new pills, or it might be if you're numbers are stable where they have been all over the place.

Great you are seeing the doctor tomorrow anyway, so tell him/her how you have been feeling. I hope you feel better.

See, I can't even get that right. The appointment is for Thursday.
Whinging's good for the soul. Hope the Doctors is useful... keep us informed (unless you'd rather not...)
ahhhh poor ally tell the dr on thursday x it probably is the meds x hope you feel better soon x
Hi Alison - yes its weird I think after a couple of weeks of good sugars Lou got all tearful and the sam happened to me, its as if your body has been struggling to cope and now that it is it lets all the frustrations out.

Clumsiness I sometimes get just before my period, not every month but really quite bad dropping so many things and knocking things over. So its possibly a hormone thing precipitated by the better BMs.
That's probably it Margie, I am overdue.
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