Sorry not been very active on forum

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, just wanted to apologise for my lack of activity on the forum of late. I'm logging in as and when I can but not providing much support I'm afraid. Spending more and more time looking after my 94 year old dad. I work 3 days a week, care for him 3 days a week and the one remaining day is spent visiting my partner's sister whose husband had a stroke 6 months ago and is at home unable to move. Add to that my sister is on holiday for a fortnight so I'm having to do the 60 mile round trip to dad's every day, even when I'm working. Just to make sure he'd had his pills, walk his dog, prep meals, do laundry, bully him into the shower etc etc. I'm in the process of applying for Attendance Allowance so we may be able to get some extra help in.

I'm not moaning (honest!), just want you all to know I haven't forgotten about you all 🙂
Hi everyone, just wanted to apologise for my lack of activity on the forum of late. I'm logging in as and when I can but not providing much support I'm afraid. Spending more and more time looking after my 94 year old dad. I work 3 days a week, care for him 3 days a week and the one remaining day is spent visiting my partner's sister whose husband had a stroke 6 months ago and is at home unable to move. Add to that my sister is on holiday for a fortnight so I'm having to do the 60 mile round trip to dad's every day, even when I'm working. Just to make sure he'd had his pills, walk his dog, prep meals, do laundry, bully him into the shower etc etc. I'm in the process of applying for Attendance Allowance so we may be able to get some extra help in.

I'm not moaning (honest!), just want you all to know I haven't forgotten about you all 🙂
So what do you do in your spare time? 😱
It's lovely to hear from you but please look after yourself otherwise you will be fit for nothing.
Good to hear from you, but sorry you’re having such a tough time. Take care of yourself.
Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time of it. You deserve a few Maltesers with the way you've still managed to keep your HbA1c so low.

I can empathise with you as I had to take over all the care for my mum when my brother had a breakdown, and work full time. Mum's Attendance Allowance finally came through after she passed away. Then I visited a friend's husband when she was in hospital for 2 weeks, then 2 weeks convalescence, to do his shopping, make sure he took his pills, and ate. It was incredibly draining so please try and rest when you can. Best wishes
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