sorry not been around

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
sorry not been around for a while but hope all of you are at least reasonably ok!

I have been struggling with my depression and have had to up my antidepressants :( have felt so isolated but I guess that is the nature of depression. Have found it really difficult to keep motivated and do anything, just want to hibernate. Still finding it hard an just don't know where my life is going and what its all for. Sorry am feeling so negative at the moment, wish it were otherwise,

take care all, Shirl x
Sending hugs Shirl, I'm in the black pit of depression too. Horrid isn't it, but we will get out of it - don't disappear, we need each other, all of us! Look after yourself.xx
Sorry to hear you are both feeling so down - I dont think these dark gloomy days help with mood either. Remember there is always someone to talk to on here no matter how bad you feel.🙂Bev
Hi Shirl, sorry to hear that you have been feeling so down. Do please come and join us here - you can just be with us until you feel stronger, it's a nice safe form of company where you can just be however you feel. Join in on some of the silly threads and let them take your mind off things for a while

Shirl mail me anytime you have my personal mail address so pleasde dont hesitate to mail me hun i will do all i can for you xx
Shirl - there's no need to apologise - its the nature of depression for people to cut themselves off from others which ironically can make things worse.

I hope that your tablets start working and you feel better soon.
Thanks for the replies, I do appreciate the support, wish my so called 'friends' (no one here by the way) were as supportive. Try so hard to be there for them but it seems when I need help they don't want to know, its life I guess. I just have to get on with it, but the older I get the more difficult it seems to be able to shake off the dark feelings I get. Sorry again, will be ok, shirl x x
Shirl, I suspect that maybe they're so used to being the help provider that it's not apparent to them when you need it yourself. If you're anything like me then you might be pretty good at hiding your feelings and some people need it staring them in the face before they realise something might be wrong! How about setting yourself a little goal - something you can work towards with a reward at the end? I find that doing this helps to take my mind off the constantly swirling dark thoughts.

Hoping tomorrow is a brighter day for you, my dear 🙂
Thinking of you , hoping you feel better soon
I'm sorry you are feeling so down. Churchill called his depression his black dog. I hope you feel better soon.
Yeah I know what Churchill meant!! Is just so pooh, and I'm sure compared to others on here I really don't have anything to feel depressed about but it doesn't seem to matter to my stupid, stupid mind it just goes into overdrive and away it goes . . . . . . . :(

Thank you to those of you who have replied I do really appreciate it 😱. X
Shirl, you don't always have to have something to feel depressed about - that's known as 'situational depression'. Depression can also be caused by your brain chemicals being out of sorts and this can be helped by medication, if necessary. Something I found very helpful was CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which is a 'talking' therapy and helps you to get into a better way of thinking and not let the depressive thoughts dominate. You might want to ask your doctor about these possibilities. Hope you are feeling brighter soon.
So sorry you're feeling down too. Here's a big HUG from me xx
Thanx Northener and Monica for your replies. Have found that doing the Tai Chi has helped me and doc was pleased I am managing to go, so will do my best to carry on going 🙂
Well done, Shirl, good that you have found something that helps and you have done well to manage to go. Hope that you soon feel much better and your world becomes a happier place. You take one day at a time and look after yourself.xx
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