Sorry MORE basal questions

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Me again!! Tried the second part of Ben's basal test today and wanted to run it by some folk. One of the things that spurred me to do basal testing, apart from wanting to tighten things a bit generally was the persistent hypos at either half eleven or half twelve each morning.
So Ben was 6.5 at 11pm and 6.4 at 6am -happy mum!
No breakfast.
8.30am 8.6
10am 4.5
10.25am 3.8. Stopped the test.

Ben would usually have a snack at 10 at nursery and is only occasionally hypo at that point but if levels are good then freq hypo at pick up at half eleven or just before lunch at haf twelve.
His basal rates are as follows
00:00. 0.075u
01.30 0.150u
06:00 0.125u
10:00 0.025u
12:00 0.150u
15:00 0.125u
19:00 0.250u
So I'm assuming the basal say from 8-10am is too high, would I be right?
What's the best way to tackle this without ending up with too many different basal rates? I wondered if I should extend from 6 to 7am as he actually rose a little by 8 then drop from 7 to 10. I was prev told to only drop or increase by 0.025 at a time. Appreciate any input folks.
Hi Ruth,
do you think perhaps an increase at 6 AM of (0.025)would work then perhaps a drop down at 8 AM of (0.050)?
If I was doing that for myself thats what I would do but obviously can't say do that to you 🙂 Also it would depend on what hour you make your changes. I change at the 2 hour mark during the day and evening 3 hours so better run in the night without a hypo.
Bet little lad was pleased to be fed 🙂

A better over all picture will be had once you have a 24 hour profile though. So far fab results well done.
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Hi Ruth,
do you think perhaps an increase at 6 AM of (0.025)would work then perhaps a drop down at 8 AM of (0.050)?
If I was doing that for myself thats what I would do but obviously can't say do that to you 🙂 Also it would depend on what hour you make your changes. I change at the 2 hour mark during the day and evening 3 hours so better run in the night without a hypo.
Bet little lad was pleased to be fed 🙂

A better over all picture will be had once you have a 24 hour profile though. So far fab results well done.

Agree with Sue....Well done Ruth, you are doing really well for your son.....keep going you will get there in the end! 🙂
Thanks guys, yip that makes sense. I really really appreciate your support. It's amazing to finally reap the rewards of our efforts - loving the pump!! :D
Good work Ruth. Can't really add much more. My approach would be to make the change at least 1-2 hours before I want to see it, and would probably make a 0.1u total change for the numbers you are getting (so perhaps drop 0.025u/h over 4 hours prior to 10am).

Stuck me how big the difference was between 6am and 10am, I'm not sure why but in my own experiments I'm trying to make more gentle stepped changes to allow them time to gradually take effect.
Sorry, just playing devil's advocate here-

I'm struck by how many changes you have in the basal rate throughout the day. Do others have this many? I've had up to 3 in my lifetime but never more.

Remember, the change in basal rates takes at least a couple hours to have an affect, so you run the risk of addressing the symptom when it's too late. Or did you factor that in?

That being said, I manage my own diabetes - I really respect you for having to manage your son's!
Sorry, just playing devil's advocate here-

I'm struck by how many changes you have in the basal rate throughout the day. Do others have this many? I've had up to 3 in my lifetime but never more.

Remember, the change in basal rates takes at least a couple hours to have an affect, so you run the risk of addressing the symptom when it's too late. Or did you factor that in?
Yes if you read the suggestions given this was all factored in 🙂
That being said, I manage my own diabetes - I really respect you for having to manage your son's!

I have 12 changes of basal pattern and it suits me just fine 🙂
If I had 3 basal patterns I would be either as high as a kite or comatose. 😱
That's the beauty of a pump we can set our own basal patterns to suit our individual needs.
Hi Pumper_Sue,

Very cool that it works for you! I will be more open-minded when I next re-evaluate my basal rates.

I'd still be afraid of trying to 'overfit' the rates to BG levels, but obviously results don't lie.

Sorry, just playing devil's advocate here-

I'm struck by how many changes you have in the basal rate throughout the day. Do others have this many? I've had up to 3 in my lifetime but never more.

Remember, the change in basal rates takes at least a couple hours to have an affect, so you run the risk of addressing the symptom when it's too late. Or did you factor that in?

That being said, I manage my own diabetes - I really respect you for having to manage your son's!


My daughter has 9 basal rates thoughout the 24 hour period. One or two of them are only an hour long but they all are needed and work very well.
Sorry, just playing devil's advocate here-

I'm struck by how many changes you have in the basal rate throughout the day. Do others have this many? I've had up to 3 in my lifetime but never more.

Remember, the change in basal rates takes at least a couple hours to have an affect, so you run the risk of addressing the symptom when it's too late. Or did you factor that in?

That being said, I manage my own diabetes - I really respect you for having to manage your son's!

I am a multi basal rate person too, If I weren't I would be all over the place. If I only had 3 basal rate profiles I would be either taking corrections all of the time or scoffing jelly babies! 😉

My daughter was started on 3 rates but that has gradually been tweeked to 8 now 🙂
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