sorry it's me again asking for help and an apology

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
1.45am BG 15.0 so had 3 units of insulin - I didn't have any lower sugars following this
7.30am 23.5 - big shot of 7 units of insulin which I thought would be enough, it then carried on going up to 25.4 and an hour later it has only gone down 50 21.4 despite the 7 units of insulin at 7.30am (there are are no urine ketones). Any advice as to what I should do please?

With regard to apology there were several posts Thursdays/yesterday where I hoped to respond but havent' do so yet so please accept my apologies because everyone has been so supportive of me. However I couldn't reply because my eyes were bad accompanied by headaches. After thinking that I had been getting better on Thursday I went downhill fast, went to eye casualty where they've discoverd a scratch on my eye plus diagnosed "subacute angle closure" and are worried about the risk of a full angle closure (which can be sight threatening) also that the first lot of laser hadn't been as successful in the left as they thought. I'm now on 5 different eye medications with fingers crossed that Thursday's laser goes ok....I am still trying to smile!!!!🙄
Oh AJ, please don't apologise! You have been so brave you are really an inspiration 🙂 Very sorry to hear that the diabetes fairy is trying to see how far she can push it just to add to your problems. I suspect that the stress and pain (and no doubt a lot of sleeplessness) is contributing to the higher levels and perhaps also you have picked up a bug with your defences being low.

I wonder if it could be the actual insulin? I'd be tempted to change the cartridge to see if that has any effect. Good to hear that there are no ketones though. I've been a bit poorly lately and battling to keep my levels in check, although not on the same scale as you! This morning I had 13 units for a slice of toast - a week ago that would have been 6 units, and I still expect to be above range at lunchtime even though I think I am feeling a little better today. My lantus has also gone up by 65% over the past few days.

I hope that whatever it is calms down soon and that at least you can get normal levels so you can concentrate your mind on dealing with your other problems. 🙂
Hi Northener thanks very much for your kind words and support. I will change the insulin cartridges and see if that helps and I think that you are right about the other causes. I'd woken up this morning feeling really positive but thirsty!! I soon went eek when
I tested. I'm so sorry that you've been having so many problems with the BGs I hope that settle down very soon for you. You don't deserve to have problems with all of the help that you provide to everybody else. Diabetic fairy?????? More like a whole bunch of Diabetc Gremlins just like the ones in the film, especially when they were in the cinema and toyshop!!!
My first thought on reading this AJ is you may be unknowingly be coming down with a cold or flu perhaps. As Northerner has said, try changing both your basal/bolus insulin's to rule out a problem with your insulin, also poor injection sites can cause such problems, sometimes when sites are over-used the insulin absorption becomes decreased and this can cause unexplained rises in blood glucose. Hope you bg returns to normal soon! Toby.
Thanks very much Toby the OH started his cold yesterday but due to my eye problem I can't take most cold remedies so fingers crossed it isn't injection sites are ok but I did check them again after your message
Hi Northener thanks very much for your kind words and support. I will change the insulin cartridges and see if that helps and I think that you are right about the other causes. I'd woken up this morning feeling really positive but thirsty!! I soon went eek when
I tested. I'm so sorry that you've been having so many problems with the BGs I hope that settle down very soon for you. You don't deserve to have problems with all of the help that you provide to everybody else. Diabetic fairy?????? More like a whole bunch of Diabetc Gremlins just like the ones in the film, especially when they were in the cinema and toyshop!!!

Diabetic gremlins haha i love it.

When i get results like that its either the insulin or i an unwell and just dont know it yet. There loads going round.
I have a cold which is now a cough, and thrush so my bloods are high than normal, it cant just be one thing, but i know why they are high so im not worried.

Hope they get better for you xx
Its so sweet that you apologise, but you shouldnt feel the need to- this place is about support 😉

I think Norths advice about the cartridge change is the first thing you should do and check your storage- fridge temps and expiry dates on the cartridge. If you are re-using needles, use only once and dispose. Change injection sites frequently. Im sure you do this anyway- you have just been slapped in the face by the diabetes fairy when you werent looking! I've taken many a whack in my time...

Drink plenty of water and look out for an underlying cause, infection, cold etc and have the paracetamol ready.

Really hope you feel better- dont forget to check your basal insulin cartridge- it could be that bad-boy that was the culprit!
Sorry to hear you are unwell, with your eye problems. Must be very uncomfortable for you?

why apologise, as been said we are here to pop in and out and to support each other, no apologies ever necessary!

I really hope your eyes start to feel more comfortable soon and hope you bg are more improved by now?

Take care
Thanks everyone it took 10units of humalog but I managed to get the bg to normal and the spent four hours dozing/sleeping in bed........fortunately it now seems like the diabetic fairy has beaten the diabetic gremlins in the latest battle!
Thanks everyone it took 10units of humalog but I managed to get the bg to normal and the spent four hours dozing/sleeping in bed........fortunately it now seems like the diabetic fairy has beaten the diabetic gremlins in the latest battle!

Hurrah! 🙂 Mine seems to be on the turn now too - I've had two hypos so far today!🙄
Hooray for you as well Northener. Really hope that you carry on feeling well
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