Sorry, I know it's been asked before......

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
...... about a gazillion times (!) but just wanted to ask if generally (I know all airlines differ) one is allowed to take lancets on board an aeroplane - 1 or 2 will do?

I felt pretty safe about taking them until someone suggested I may not even be able to have a couple of toothpicks in my handbag as they may be considered a weapon? I know the world's gone mad, but just wanted to confirm re the lancets, SURELY about 2mm of 'needle' can't be dangerous?

I've had no problems carrying all my stuff in my hand luggage - I just tell them at security that I'm diabetic and what I'm carrying and they have alsways just waved me through without checking. Pen needles are probably a slightly better weapon than lancets, so it they let those through, I think lancets are fine!
You can normally get a letter from your DSN on NHS headed paper "To whom it may concern" simply confirming you are diabetic and need to carry needles etc at all times. Mine also states food and drink, so they even allow me through with e.g a bottle of water.
Suggest you speak to your DSN or GP.
going somewhere nice helen ??

Yes indeedy - off to Niagara Falls for a few days. That's one box ticked on the ol' bucket list, lol.

Thanks for the tips guys.

i am sure you wont have any problem have a nice holiday
Yeah the most they will do is ask to see your GP's letter. I'm very jealous, would love to go there 🙂
Oh, I haven't got time to worry about a GP's letter now, so I prob just won't bother having them in my hand luggage. I'm very bad at testing anyway, so I'm sure it won't make any difference!!

Cheers for the advice.

Fair enough. They probably wouldn't ask for a letter in the UK, but probably would in America.
They usually let me through with needles, i got away with pushing to the front of the cue once cause i said i was diabetic and needed to eat something, it has its advantages sometimes (Y) only thing is, i had like capri suns in my bag had a letter stating i needed them and they took them off me, saying i can buy some on the other side :|
oooooh i was so angry.
just imagine though, they'd send in type 1 terrorists if we could get away with taking liquids on board 😉
just imagine though, they'd send in type 1 terrorists if we could get away with taking liquids on board 😉

Lol a the thought, I'm sure its not been ruled out!!

Thanks for everyone's input - right, I'm offski!!

have a great time helen, I wonder when tracey is back off her hols.
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