sorry guys, not been on for a while

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi guys

I have not been on for a while, been very down the doctors surgery is driving me mad, and my epilepsy and diabetes are now getting me down.

I sure i have mentioned this before but i have been suffering a lot of joint pain of late, the surgery ran tests but told me there was nothing wrong, i of course did not buy that one, (you guys hav e taught me to stick to my guns) so i asked if i could be reffered to a specialist, doc said she would refer me to a rheumatologist so i went to see him on the 1st june and he has told me that the test the surgery ran on me were crap. he has confirmed that i have arthritis, as yet he is unsure whether it is rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, but following more blood test and full x rays he will have the answer in two weeks for me. i have now following this meeting lost all faith in my surgery, especially the nurses.

I am due to see the diabetic nurse on wedesday, and i am not looking forward to it one bit. I wondered if i could be seen by a diabetic nurse at the hospital, even though i am type 2 and diet only. as i am really tired of being treated like a 5 year old by the nurse.

any help would be appreciated

angie (sorry for the length of message)
Your doctors surgery sounds as bad as mine. I have to be very persistent and stick to my guns with the doctor who I will not insult because I can't say what I really feel here.

I'm not sure how you would get refred to the clinic at the hospital. I did think about writing to the hospital and asking if I could be self refered. There are many things you can do self referal for, although I don't know how this will affect your relationship with your doctor.

One of the things that is often suggested, but is easier said than done in our area is a change of GP surgeries.

Sorry I can't be of more help. I hope you get things sorted out soon.
hey angie nice to see you back 🙂 but sorry to hear its all getting you down ...change surgerys ..or maybe write to the practice manager voicing your concerns re what the specialist said re the gp testing and how can they reassure you that your are getting the appropriate care for your conditions.
Good to see you back Angie.

Glad you stuck to your guns and although the diagnosis is bound to be upsetting at least you can start having it treated. See how the surgery reacts and then as others have said, consider moving to another if possible.
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