Sorry but id like to know, from someone who knows...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok been feeling a bit worried about all things D lately, and im pretty sure that I might be showing some early signs of neuropathy (well I might not be maybe im paranoid like) I just wanted to know, if I was, what would I notice first etc... what have been anyone elses experience with it? Im not getting any younger here and have had this for 21 years so im guessing its something im going to have to get to grips with sooner or later :(

On a bright note, was at the docs today and the blood test I had done a few weeks back for anemia was also done my hba1c which was 5.1% 🙂 Ill get proper one done @clinic on 14th but I should think they will be much the same 🙂 x
good figures lou neropathy have they tested your pulses recently ? i know its generally feet but i presume it gives them a good idea to the whole good luck x
You get things checked out on a regular basis, so I am sure anything will be picked up before it becomes a problem. Unfortunately as we age, we are more prone to aches and pains than when we are young. I have learned to be more patient with myself and when my back begins to ache I have to take a break.

I hope you feel better soon. As your care tem sounds quite reasonable, they should be able to reassure you.
I know its probably nothing but I have been really scared lately :( I feel worse when I see things like people getting a medal for having D for 50 years, I think is that what I have to look forward to? Is there any chance im going to make it to 90 at the least? Then that will be 86 years with it.... I dont know why im being so morbid about it all, Im just really really scared what might happen (I say might but im pretty sure I cant avoid such things)
im really sorry if this thread is down and depressing but I truly cannot talk to anyone about these fears for the future :( all I get is oh your 26 why are you worried about this stuff?? I wish I wasnt, but I feel like I have seen too much in life to not be able to pretend everything will be just peachy.... Im so pesomistic at the moment.... sorry again!!

Oh my feet have not been checked for about 2 years, soo i wouldnt even know if there was something wrong.....
Congratulations on the excellent result!

Welcome to the 5% club Lou...🙂

I understand the risk of diabetic related complications is far less if your HbA1c is less than 6.5%.

I'd be over the moon if my next result was as low as yours!

Now the burning question is... How are you going to celebrate...? :D
Oh my feet have not been checked for about 2 years, soo i wouldnt even know if there was something wrong.....

Then get them checked now and remove a source of worry! 🙂

I'm guessing that with such a low HbA1c, you won't have any problems.

Thanks guys!I will mention it on the 14th about getting them checked etc I do feel stupid for worrying so much, I have a lot more time to ponder these days since having the wee one and not being back at the nursing yet....
Im hoping to maintain my hba1c like this permanently, it was 4.5% pretty much since last summer so im glad its went up to a more sustainable level 😱
I hadnt even thought about celebrating hehe I do however like to go out to my local resturant for their delicious chilli nachos, so I may include that to my plans nearer the weekend as a treat 😉 x
WOW well done hun I'm so impressed with your hba1c:D I hope that mine is that good when I get it done. I think it's hard not to think about what could be in years to come but it won't help thinking about it, as long as you've done your best to control your bg's then that's all you can do to help prevent complications. Are you still on tablets for pnd? I've found since Jess has been born that I worry more about my health and I take it much more seriously because of her.

Definately go and celebrate this weekend you deserve it! 😛 xxxx
Firstly well done with your HBA1C, I can only strive to have that myself. The only time my HBA1C was that great was when i was pregnant!

Secondly, I totally understand about your fears having had the D for the same amount of time if not a tad longer. I also have the fear of complications and also as Emma said I think you reflect even more so when you have children, myself included. I went through a similar fear with regards to my eyes not so long ago and i still have that fear it has to be said and i am sure if you have read anything i have written about pregnancy will have seen this.

I too have feelings that concern me and since being on here even more so I have to say! Whilst i look after myself now, I was a naughty gal in my youth. I was the one who provoked the comments about diabetics who have the D for years as I have yet to hear of someone who has had diabetes for longer than me (another fear). I must say whilst i was thankful to hear that there are 'others' out there, it has made me question there's not that many and then start to reflect on my own life and how bad i have been in the past when i was a naughty teenager etc. But as in the words of Robbie Williams: No regrets...they don't work.

If you can get your feet checked then this will alleviate any fears and stop the old brain going into overdrive (there's nothing worse i know). And too right to go out and have nachos (yum)...can i come? 😉

Bernie xx 🙂
I can't help you with neuropathy symptoms, but if I met someone who was worrying about neuropathy, I'd give then the following advice:

If you write a list of all your worries, then cross out all the ones you can't do anything about. Like: sometimes, people get diabetic neuropathy even when they do look after their blood sugars.

Then act on all the ones you can do somethnig about. Like: look after your blood sugars.

Wait a minute...... that's what you are doing!!!! And making a blooming good job of it, if you look at that HA1bC. So congratulations on your wonderful risk management skills. 🙂
I can't help you with neuropathy symptoms, but if I met someone who was worrying about neuropathy, I'd give then the following advice:

If you write a list of all your worries, then cross out all the ones you can't do anything about. Like: sometimes, people get diabetic neuropathy even when they do look after their blood sugars.

Then act on all the ones you can do somethnig about. Like: look after your blood sugars.

Wait a minute...... that's what you are doing!!!! And making a blooming good job of it, if you look at that HA1bC. So congratulations on your wonderful risk management skills. 🙂

I am a worrier, its shameful sometimes 😱

I know its probably due to the depression i have been feeling lately, and probably making me extra anxious, and as Emma says becoming a mum had made me ten times more self aware... 🙄

I shall keep plodding along looking after my bloods, because I guess thats all I can really do, and possibly stop worrying!😉

I hope my hba1c hasnt changed much time i go to clinic in 2 weeks, I dont think it can change much though in a matter of 5 weeks or so lol
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