Sore throat

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,

Started last night with a sore throat and woke this morning to a raging throat, sneezes the works. Don't feel like breakfast due to throat.

I am T2 but only d/e so just checking that not eating today if don't feel like it will be okay.
Of course, there won't be my usual exercise either.

I am sure it will be fine, but first time I have been ill since diagnosed.

Just lots of sugar free fizzy drinks I think unless anyone has any better suggestions.
Sorry Lucy dont have any other suggestions, just wanted to say get better soon (((hugs))) x
Morning Lucy sorry to hear about your throat, maybe you have a cold coming on and the throat is just the first sign, i cant suggest much more then keep your fluids up and if you can try and nibble on things at least its keeping your strenght up.Hope you get well soon x
Keep up the fluids. I find warm sugar free ornage squash o warm sugar free blackcurrant works wonders if you can't face tea.

I was told there is only a small ammount of suagr in things like lem sip and beechams hot lemons and they do help, but if in doubt ask the pharmacist. Your doctor may be able to help as well, but if it is just a cold, there is not much that can be done except to rlieve the symptoms.

Try to eat a little as it helps whatever medication you are on work better. Unless it is on medical advice, don't stop taking your diabetes (or any other) medication.

I hope you are better soon, but if it is more than a two or three days seek medical advice. Each time I have had a sore throat this year it was a throat infection.
Hi Caroline,

thank you for replying. I am not on any meds but I remember the nurse saying about having to be more careful with infections and when ill etc and it is just niggling away at me. I am sure I am making a complete fuss over nothing as other than feeling ill, I am fine.
Its just another part of learning as a newly diagnosed I suppose.
Diabetes is not an exact science. We are all learning.

Sometimes when we get ill we just panic, most people do, even with a simple cold. AT least we have some mild weathr which helps.
Hi all,

An update to my sore throat. In ringing my GP surgery for a completely normal non diabetic matter this morning I asked the receptionist if she thought I needed to do anything different. She then said she would ask the GP and call me back if I did need to do anything different.

I was very surprised that the GP themselves rang me back and had a good chat. she said I was absolutely right to ask the question and asked me to test. I was 10.4. She has now actually PRESCRIBED ME STRIPS!!!!! YEAH!!!!!. She said when ill the biggest issue is becoming dehydrated. If not eating right or at all sugars can go up and although drinking lots we pee more and can very quickly become dehydrated. She has asked me to test twice a day and prescribed 50 strips.
I really felt i was making a fuss this morning when I posted, but turns out I wasn't really.

I thought I would add this to post as I am sure others will be worrying when ill first time after being diagnosed. It has made me realise how much need to look after myself though.
Well done in managing to get strips prescribed :D x
good for you for getting strips but word of causion i had a sore throat last week and tried halls soothers yes it helped my throat but my sugar went into double figures
thanks for that Topcat - I was thinking of soothers or something.
The pharmacist wouldn't let me have lem sip today which normally works brilliant on throat. Have drank 5 cans of sugarfree pop today but its just not catching the throat.
Probabaly an early night is needed!
There are sugarfree Tunes & fisherman's friends. Also there is sugarfree cough medicine. Personally I thing honey and lemon is the best thing for a sore throat, just go easy on the honey or if u are on insulin add a couple of units on to your dose.
Thanks Katie. Honey makes me heave a little - but will definitely try the other too - I didn't know they did sugarfree tunes, so thats very helpful.
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