Sore throat/cold


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,

I’ve come down with a sore throat (thanks to my lovely husband passing it on!).

Has anyone any advice on what to use for it? I’ve found sugar free strepsils, which don’t seem to be doing much but I’ve not managed to spot any sugar free cough medicine (or equivalent).

My BG has started to increase a little, I expect that’s normal when unwell, but I’m reluctant to have lemsips/honey or sugary cough medicine during the day, as it will spike further.

Fingers crossed for some tried and tested products - thank you xx
Just take paracetamol @curlyk If it’s really painful, get the Difflam throat rinse. You can also get sugar-free cough sweets or just normal sugar free sweets to suck as that can help. Covonia also do a sugar free cough syrup and Robitussin do lots too. Plus whisky, fresh lemon juice and hot water is good!

I hope you feel better very soon.
Gargling with soluble paracetamol can help. You used to be able to get something called Tyrosettes which had a numbing effect on your throat but I haven't seen them in years, they were probably banned.
Lots of Covid going around at the moment, so might be worth testing. I personally use Lemsip type products (I use the Lidl equivalent) as I like the comfort of a hot lemon drink and don't find it specifically affects my BG levels but I need more insulin for the impact the virus has on my levels.
Still not great, the sore throat has subsided thankfully, but it’s now gone in to my nose and ears - so I currently feel like I’m living underwater!
My BG has been ok all things considered, elevated at 8-9 in the morning but I’m sure (hoping) it will come back down to pre-illness levels soon enough!
Hi @curlyk ,sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Try inhaling steam from hot water with menthol crystals in a bowl. Towel over the head for a few minutes every few hours. It helps clear the sinuses. Won't interfere with any medication you are taking. Hope you get better soon.