sore jaw and high levels :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys....

just a bit of a moan really as levels keep going into high teens (no ketones) and wont come down for hours even with pump...I do feel generally run down but I also have a really sore jaw which I don't understand....the last few nights I have woken up with a soreness on the right hand side of my jaw, fairly near to my wears off during the day then comes back in the eve, today its really painful and still there, jaw keeps clicking and am getting random shooting pains which are really painful. my teeth are fine as far as I wondering if the jaw and levels are connected and also what the hell is it thats hurting me!?!?! any ideas neone?
I wouldn't have thought it is connected with high levels. Are you sitting in a draught or doing anything awkwardly? It might pay to visit the dentist and the doctor to rule all possibilities out. I hope you feel better soon.
Aww no shell sorry to hear that, the excitement levels are kicking in for saturday lol, no seriously it wont harm to just have a appointment with the doc and dentist like Caroline said hun xxx.Hope you feel better soon
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i reckon its all the excitement ....or have you been talking to much ???
hahah I wondered how long before someone wd make a chatterbox comment 🙄 really hurts!!! just wish i knew what it was...and yes very very very cited for sat :D:D:D
Shelley, it could be a swollen gland? can you feel anything right next to the bottom of your ear? you could be fighting off a small infection, not bad enough to make you sick but could still enough to affect your levels?

Maybe you and I should combine our levels and create the perfect diabetic as i am hypoing at least once everyday at the moment for no apparent reason. :(

Perhaps its holiday season for pumps and theyve gone on strike?

Shelley, it could be a swollen gland? can you feel anything right next to the bottom of your ear? you could be fighting off a small infection, not bad enough to make you sick but could still enough to affect your levels?

Maybe you and I should combine our levels and create the perfect diabetic as i am hypoing at least once everyday at the moment for no apparent reason. :(

Perhaps its holiday season for pumps and theyve gone on strike?


cant feel anything there I dont think? yeah maybe an infection, feel like im getting a cold 24/7 atm so am def run down...

hahah how funny...yes a nice day of 7's sounds good to me....will it hurt to do the combining procedure?? 😱
My jaw clicks when I eat, sometimes it aches too and sometimes not. Is the clicking normal or a new thing?
My jaw clicks when I eat, sometimes it aches too and sometimes not. Is the clicking normal or a new thing?

clicking is a new thing, never had a problem with my jaw before, its settled a bit now, seems worse before bed and is horrendous first thing....what the hell am I doing in my sleep!?!?!?!??!
I wonder if you are grinding your teeth in your sleep? Are you particularly worried about anything at the mo?
am pretty stressed out atm, have got bad skin, feel snotty and keep getting headaches so am very run down...also not been sleeping great, and just so so busy....need a week on a nice beach hehe!

wow is it normal to grind teeth at night then???? didn't think of that? x
I know it is something I have done, on occasions and it normally makes my jaw ache more.
I just found this article about it.

I dont get the shooting pains though, as said before a trip to the docs/dentist is probably in order just to check it out.
I know it is something I have done, on occasions and it normally makes my jaw ache more.
I just found this article about it.

I dont get the shooting pains though, as said before a trip to the docs/dentist is probably in order just to check it out.

wow thats so interesting, thanks for the article, my teeth dont hurt tho I dont think, I have dentist on Monday and will try for docs tom as no appointments today now...thanks for ure help hun, just scary when something new happens and hurts huh!!!! xxxxxxx
It could be an absess in your tooth - the roots go very deep and you can get pain in lots of places from one. Also, if your grinding your teeth you can get something from the dentist to help stop - my daughter has one - they cost about ?50 - but they do work. When you say your increasing the basals - what are you increasing them by? I only ask because at first we were worried about using 150% and now we often use 200 or 230% temporary basal when there is an illness brewing.🙂Bev
hahah I wondered how long before someone wd make a chatterbox comment 🙄 really hurts!!! just wish i knew what it was...and yes very very very cited for sat :D

soory shiv !😱 i grit my teeth in the night sometimes ...i also had a middle ear infection that made my jaw ache so get it checked X
thanks guys I will...

Basals have been up at 170% yday, am back at 100% today tho..all very odd!!?!?!? x
It could be an absess in your tooth - the roots go very deep and you can get pain in lots of places from one. Also, if your grinding your teeth you can get something from the dentist to help stop - my daughter has one - they cost about ?50 - but they do work. When you say your increasing the basals - what are you increasing them by? I only ask because at first we were worried about using 150% and now we often use 200 or 230% temporary basal when there is an illness brewing.🙂Bev

wow ?50 huh, what is it you get then??? curious!:confused: x
I had had jaw problems in the past that sound like yours - you need to see a dentist as GPs won't do anything about it. I found mine was very painful on one side, and sometimes I couldn't eat things like apples where you need to open your jaw wide. The dentist referred me to the hospital for x-rays, and made me a mouth bite to wear at night - it's a bit like a rugby player's mouth guard. It's meant to cushion your jaw in case you clench in your sleep.

Also the hospital offered advice on relaxation techniques, not biting your nails and trying not to clench my teeth in cold winds etc.

Hope you get it sorted, I know it can be quite miserable!
thanks pigeon, just cant seem to win healthwise atm...really just need to relax as am sure stress explains a lot of my ailments atm...

Thanks for the advice xxx
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