sore and tickley throat

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have developed a sore throat and tickley cough Went to the chemists and for something and got Simple Linctus (Sugar free citric acid) it is not the best tasting but bearable.

It is made by Pinewood healthcare in Ireland it is the first time I have heard of it is it any good.
I have developed a sore throat and tickley cough Went to the chemists and for something and got Simple Linctus (Sugar free citric acid) it is not the best tasting but bearable.

It is made by Pinewood healthcare in Ireland it is the first time I have heard of it is it any good.

Hi Donald sorry to hear of your throat problems. A doctor once told me not to waste money on over the counter cough medicines, as they don't work. Here's a couple of remedies - Sage tea helps a persistent cough and place some chopped onion, 1 tbsp demerara sugar,1tsp each of lemon juice and honey in a bowl, cover overnight. sip 2 tsp when necessary. Unsalted potato water is a soothing cough medicine. Drink slowly while warm. Hope you feel better soon. Sheena
I have not heard of it donald but hope it works, just got rid of my tickley cough as well grr.
Hi Donald sorry to hear of your throat problems. A doctor once told me not to waste money on over the counter cough medicines, as they don't work. Here's a couple of remedies - Sage tea helps a persistent cough and place some chopped onion, 1 tbsp demerara sugar,1tsp each of lemon juice and honey in a bowl, cover overnight. sip 2 tsp when necessary. Unsalted potato water is a soothing cough medicine. Drink slowly while warm. Hope you feel better soon. Sheena

Thanks sheena I will have to try that normally I don.t buy over the counter medicines thought I would speak to the pharmacist to see what he though he went threw the back and came with a 200 ml bottle of the stuff and said try this.It was only ?1 49 so I,ll give it a try.
I have not heard of it donald but hope it works, just got rid of my tickley cough as well grr.

Thanks steffie spoke to the pharmacist he got the 200 ml bottle from the back and said try this. so will see what happens.
Simple Linctus is your basic cough mixture, it doesn't contain any drugs as such, but it's supposed to sooth your throat by coating it at with a thick liquid. It's pretty much the liquid equivalent to a Tune or Halls cough sweet, but doesn't have any menthol in it to clear your nose. As to being any good? It doesn't actually do anything except slide gentlely down your throat. There's no side effects though, any you've probably got the sugar free version. The problem is that pharmacies don't like selling stuff with drugs in to people with diabetes in case they cause sudden, random blood sugar/pressure drops. If you have a temperature, or if you find it helps, it can't hurt to take a paracetamol if you like, but not more than 8 a day and with at least 4 hour gaps between doses...

Simple Linctus is your basic cough mixture, it doesn't contain any drugs as such, but it's supposed to sooth your throat by coating it at with a thick liquid. It's pretty much the liquid equivalent to a Tune or Halls cough sweet, but doesn't have any menthol in it to clear your nose. As to being any good? It doesn't actually do anything except slide gentlely down your throat. There's no side effects though, any you've probably got the sugar free version. The problem is that pharmacies don't like selling stuff with drugs in to people with diabetes in case they cause sudden, random blood sugar/pressure drops. If you have a temperature, or if you find it helps, it can't hurt to take a paracetamol if you like, but not more than 8 a day and with at least 4 hour gaps between doses...


Thanks Rachel I understand about the pharmacies reluctance to sell some of OTC stuff interaction with medicines someone is on and yes it is sugar free version.
Hi Donald, I hope you are feeling better. I always find things like hot sugar free orange squash or hot sugar free black currant help, but plenty warm drinks.

I know I shouldn't, but I find about a thimblefull of something like Jack daniels helps too. Doesn't work for everyone thoe.
Hi Donald, I hope you are feeling better. I always find things like hot sugar free orange squash or hot sugar free black currant help, but plenty warm drinks.

I know I shouldn't, but I find about a thimblefull of something like Jack daniels helps too. Doesn't work for everyone thoe.

Hi Caroline thanks my throat does not feel so raw as it did Yesterday ah yes a hot toddy nice but not to much Hic.Normally before I was Diagnosed if I had sore throat i would have had sucked on one of the many lozanges you can get and not sure how they with the Diabeties Now hot black currant sounds nice have not had that in years you have got wanting one now:D.
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