sooo tired!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi - and yet another question from me - thank goodness you are all here!

I am going through stages of extreme tiredness - not just the normal I need a power nap tired, but tired where I could really go to sleep. I get a crackign headache sometimes too. I seem to pick up as time goes on.

I am a newly diagnosed T2 and don't think my figures are too bad. I was 7.9 on my fasting test.

Does anyone know if this is diabetes related - my nurse seemed to think so but didn;t say why. I have ran out of strips and nurse won't prescribe them so can' test at the moment either. generally apart from when this happens i feel great.

anyone else ever experience this, why does it happen, and what should i do.
I am on a strict diet and exercise regime at the moment but not hungry. It has even happened early in the morning after a good nights sleep.
It was extreme (want to fall asleep at my desk) tiredness that made me go and see my GP initially knowing something was not right and I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with around the same levels as yourself. Still occasionally now even though my levels are good, I have days when I feel so sleepy even though I slept well the night before, since being diagnosed I've found I've needed my full 8hrs per night to survive the next day at work.
It might be your body is adjusting to the new glucose levels. Are you taking anything or jsut doing it by diet and exercise? If you are more active, that will make you feel more sleepy too. The hot weather seems to be affecting people too, and is even making non diabetics want to sleep!

keep a diary and note down what times of day you feel sleepiest, is just before or just after meals or after physical activity. If you are testing keep a note of youe levels too, and see if it falls into apattern.

If in doubt, ask your doctor or nurse for advice too, and you can always come back here and ask whatever you like.
Its never after exercise - I generally feel like I have bags of energy then. It happened about 1/2 hour ago - I ate a prawn on granary sandwich for lunch and an apple at about 12.30pm.
A cup of tea and a banana seem to have helped.

Any other suggestions as to what to do when it happens?

I have a management meeting all day tomorrow and dread actually falling asleep during it!
If there is water on offer during the meeting, try sipping water, and when there is a break, if possible excuse yourself for ten minutes and hace a short walk. If possible keep lunch as low carb as possible (todays lunch sounded great, so if possible along those lines), and if you start to feel drowsy appologise and say you think you have something working on you.
It's possible it's diabetes related, and other people have given good suggestions on that, so I won't add any more. 🙂

However, I have similar symptoms that are hayfever-related. I didn't even realise at first, because I never had hayfever when I lived in Scotland, but I was saying to my mum that I was really tired and headachey, and she pointed out that it could be hayfever. I picked up some hayfever tablets from the chemist, and felt a lot better. I think my hayfever tends to stuff up my sinuses, which causes my symptoms. Could it be something like that?
I don't think so as no other signs of hayfever. This is beyond tired though to the point that in other circumstances where I hadn't been diagnosed I would prob be making an appt.

Caroline I like your idea of a walk, but today I couldn't stand up and on passing a cup to someone nearly dropped it - i was that tired.

I guess it would be worth checking my levels when it happens again - do you think that would tell me anything?

Its worth mentioning I feel fine again now after the tea and banana?
Lucy 4 months in and I still feel like that. I have days where I am not too bad but other days where I am exhausted. I get it in work usually around 1 -3pm regardless of what I have eaten for lunch and yes I have dozed off or sat through meetings and wondered the next day what they were about! :( like you I am Diet and exercise and I was hoping this sleepiness would improve as my levels got better but I am still living in hope.
I guess it would be worth checking my levels when it happens again - do you think that would tell me anything?

Its worth mentioning I feel fine again now after the tea and banana?

I'd check your levels. That'll atleast give you some idea of what's happening.

My initial thought would have been that your BG level was high. But then eating a banana would have made things worse, not better! That makes it sound like your BG level was too low! Ah, but perhaps the caffeine may have kicked in when your levels were high? ........ Oh I don't know!! :D

No, you need to do a test!

Andy 🙂
i was diagnose about 5 years ago and i still get those really bad tired spells about 4-5 in the afternoon ,my doc always says its my weight ,it does`nt bother me as my mother had the same problem all her life it seams to bother my wife more than me
Probably to do with glucose levels, but well worth getting your thyroid checked as it often goes soon after diagnosis - mine did, and I could hardly keep my eyes open.
if sleeping was an olympic sport id be winning gold everytime ! yes i would say its to do with the ole D ...:( but i must admit since being dx and lowered my HbA1c to 6.4 it is alot better ....but boy i do love a kip x
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