Son had a Diabetic Seizure this AM - looking to borrow a G6 sensor (not transmitter) Glasgow

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi Folks

Newbie here, and I know this is a long shot - my 16yo son had a seizure this morning. He's run out of G6 sensors (which kinda led to this). I have stock coming Monday, but if there's a kind soul out there (Glasgow area) who could lend me one to get me through the weekend, I can replace it on Monday eve when DPD arrive.

This is his 3rd seizure in the past 5 years, and each time I feel like the worlds worst father. He has a Dexcom and Tandem closed loop setup, which for the most part is great. He ran out of sensors and didn't let me know until we went to put a new sensor on two days ago. We'd been keeping an eye on him through the night since.

So what happened? He came home from a night walking the streets with his pals around midnight and soon dropped into a hypo of 2.3. We treated it. Here's where I made a mistake - I asked him to finger-prick 20 mins later and he told me he was 3.2. I didn't check or do it myself. At 1am I asked again. 4.5. I didn't check or do it myself. This morning I test him and he is 2.3. (Later, I check the logs and his last test was just before midnight, 2.3. He never tested again before we slept and lied about being in range). So I immediately start getting sugars into him and within a minute he is seizing in my arms (having previously tried to get out of bed to do something other than drink) and my wife has passed out at his bedroom door from anxiety / panic / shock. Ambulance arrived 20 mins later, and fortunately I already had him stable and slowly becoming alert. He's fine now, sleeping in bed, after vomiting all day. I can't get passed not checking his sugars for him, or that he lied because he was too tired, maybe delirious. I'm exhausted. He's exhausted. I feel guilty. He feels like crap.

The thought of worrying my way through the next few nights waiting for the Dexcom delivery is filling me with anxiety. A sensor last night would have saved us from a hypo and seizure, I reckon. Of course, many people live just fine without the luxury of Dexcom, but my sons BGs have been a bit hard to manage of late - puberty perhaps - and mentally, I don't think I can cope without the Dexcom right now.
Sadly there aren't many regular Scottish members and the majority that do post regularly are Type 2

Have you posted on Facebook in Type 1 Diabetes in Scotland, UK Type 1 Diabetics Pay It Forward and Help! I Forgot My Type 1 Kit UK as you would probably have better luck there than here xx
Wish I lived near you as have a spare but being in Cornwall is no help to you. Hope you soon sorted.
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