Son 17, sore throat can't eat.

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Siannie 49

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My son is 17 and diagnosed 2 yrs ago, he's on MDI and have the libre. He's got a terrible side throat. Even hurts to swallow. Bg is OK a d ketones 0.3. I know he'll get starvation ketones from not eating. What can I get him, to have in the morning, to bring ketones down. Especially if he is finding it hard to eat and drink. Would a glass of milk with insulin be OK. Sugary drinks with insulin. What do u do in situations like this, where its difficult to get them gto eat and drink. What do u advise.
My first advice is, if possible, test for Covid. A nasty sore throat was my first symptom.
Secondly, I would worry less about eating and more about getting blood sugars down. You don't need to eat to take correction doses.
The reason for getting levels down are two-fold
- with Type 1, ketones are a big concern if our levels are high. DKA is the risk with high blood sugars and high ketones. Ketones with low levels such as starvation ketones are less of a concern.
- high blood sugar exaggerates illness symptoms and illness symptoms cause blood sugars to rise leading to a risk of DKA. If your son lows his levels, the sore throat may alleviate.

However, dehydration is a worry so I would also recommend trying to get him to drink water, even small sips.
My son is 17 and diagnosed 2 yrs ago, he's on MDI and have the libre. He's got a terrible side throat. Even hurts to swallow. Bg is OK a d ketones 0.3. I know he'll get starvation ketones from not eating. What can I get him, to have in the morning, to bring ketones down. Especially if he is finding it hard to eat and drink. Would a glass of milk with insulin be OK. Sugary drinks with insulin. What do u do in situations like this, where its difficult to get them gto eat and drink. What do u advise.
Bloods are 11.0 and ketones 0.3. Just tested at 5.30am.Covid test was negative yesterday. He will test again when he wakes up. He has drank some water for me.
When I have a sore throat I eat moderate amounts of things like ice cream. I find lollies good. He could try yoghurts too. There are also pain-killing throat rinses, which are brilliant. I’m struggling to remember the name of the one I had but will find out when I’m more awake. It was around £8 but worth every penny.
Found it on a Search - it’s called Difflam. I used it before meals and I was so much more comfortable.
The anaesthetic throat lozenges help as does a salt water gargle if he can manage that. Otherwise ice cubes, ice lollies etc are good. Btu yes treat any rises in glucose or ketones with insulin and do a covid test.
Gargling with soluble paracetamol can help.
If it doesn't improve soon it may be a throat infection which might need antibiotics although many throat infections are viral.
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