Somewhat low BG with no medication.


Been told by diabetic doctor that I’m type 1 or possibly genetic type. I am currently on no medication and on a wait and see approach over the next 3 years as they suspect I’m honeymooning. My next appointment isn’t until February.

However today I’ve been feeling tired and it got worse before dinner with just feeling a little floaty and finding it hard to concentrate. I took my BG just over an hour after eating my dinner and it was 4.4. This seems low and I’m not sure if this is why I was feeling this way.

Should I be contacting my doctor about this or is this normal?
4.4 is a normal blood sugar @DodgyScotsman 🙂 If it’s distressing you, you could just have literally a mouthful of carbs and a drink of water.How’s your blood sugar the rest of the time?
Been told by diabetic doctor that I’m type 1 or possibly genetic type. I am currently on no medication and on a wait and see approach over the next 3 years as they suspect I’m honeymooning. My next appointment isn’t until February.

However today I’ve been feeling tired and it got worse before dinner with just feeling a little floaty and finding it hard to concentrate. I took my BG just over an hour after eating my dinner and it was 4.4. This seems low and I’m not sure if this is why I was feeling this way.

Should I be contacting my doctor about this or is this normal?
4.4 is not a really low blood glucose number. I run at that level for protracted periods, and I consider it a good number.

What sort of numbers are you usually seeing at the same time of day? Sometimes if we have blood sugars lower (or higher) than we are used to , our bodies object a bit and try to galvanise us into action.

It's all very well me saying it's fine for me, but if you feel very unwell, or unsafe, then either talk to your GP, or call 111.

If you are feeling somewhat out of it, it is important you don't drive or operate machinery.
4.4 is not a really low blood glucose number. I run at that level for protracted periods, and I consider it a good number.

What sort of numbers are you usually seeing at the same time of day? Sometimes if we have blood sugars lower (or higher) than we are used to , our bodies object a bit and try to galvanise us into action.

It's all very well me saying it's fine for me, but if you feel very unwell, or unsafe, then either talk to your GP, or call 111.

If you are feeling somewhat out of it, it is important you don't drive or operate machinery.
Two hours after dinner it’s normally between 6-8.

One hour after a very hearty carb heavy meal with a reading of 4.4 made me think it may have been lower before eating. That’s what had me a little worried.

Sorry for being silly. Just never had a reading that low before.
Two hours after dinner it’s normally between 6-8.

One hour after a very hearty carb heavy meal with a reading of 4.4 made me think it may have been lower before eating. That’s what had me a little worried.

Sorry for being silly. Just never had a reading that low before.
I'd urge you not to panic.

If your body is still managing to keep your blood sugars "ok", without medication it is unlikely you would have become medically dangerously low.

When we go a bit low (Because we haven't eaten for a long time, or we've been exercising hard, or any number of reasons), our liver can release a dose of it's stored glucose to bring the sugars back up again.

There are a few reasons your blood glucose might have been lower than you might have expected, despite the meal you had eaten, but one simple one is that not all foods metabolise at the same rate, and as an example a carby meal that also includes a fair amount of fats, the fats slow down the rate the carbs are metabolised through to blood sugar.

As I say, if you have concerns, do seek medical advice. There's nothing wrong with reassurance.

As a aside, out of curiosity, what led to you being tested for diabetes? The numbers you describe, not on medication, and by the sounds of it, eating a varied diet seem fairly normal and not alarming, so I'm curious why you were being investigated?
As an aside, out of curiosity, what led to you being tested for diabetes? The numbers you describe, not on medication, and by the sounds of it, eating a varied diet seem fairly normal and not alarming, so I'm curious why you were being investigated?

I had a battery of blood tests due to an unrelated medical issue that flagged me up as having dangerous levels of blood glucose. Can’t remember how high but the GP called me in the afternoon and told me not to be alone all night and if I felt sick or started vomiting to go straight to A&E. She had me come in the next morning as soon as they opened.

Got an appointment with a specialist doctor who told me I was negative for antibodies but had a low c peptide. Went from 60 hba1c to 48 in few months.

Was told by several doctors I’m atypical type 1 and currently honeymooning but this can take years to progress and it was caught very early due to the blood tests.

Honestly think they’re chasing shadows and I’m type 2 but who knows. I just eat basically what I want and as long as I don’t binge sweets or snack heavily between meals my glucose stays ok.
I had a battery of blood tests due to an unrelated medical issue that flagged me up as having dangerous levels of blood glucose. Can’t remember how high but the GP called me in the afternoon and told me not to be alone all night and if I felt sick or started vomiting to go straight to A&E. She had me come in the next morning as soon as they opened.

Got an appointment with a specialist doctor who told me I was negative for antibodies but had a low c peptide. Went from 60 hba1c to 48 in few months.

Was told by several doctors I’m atypical type 1 and currently honeymooning but this can take years to progress and it was caught very early due to the blood tests.

Honestly think they’re chasing shadows and I’m type 2 but who knows. I just eat basically what I want and as long as I don’t binge sweets or snack heavily between meals my glucose stays ok.

Fingers crossed you can maintain things where you are now.
Been told by diabetic doctor that I’m type 1 or possibly genetic type. I am currently on no medication and on a wait and see approach over the next 3 years as they suspect I’m honeymooning. My next appointment isn’t until February.

However today I’ve been feeling tired and it got worse before dinner with just feeling a little floaty and finding it hard to concentrate. I took my BG just over an hour after eating my dinner and it was 4.4. This seems low and I’m not sure if this is why I was feeling this way.

Should I be contacting my doctor about this or is this normal?
If you're still living in Scotland, the good news is that diabetes care in Scotland seems generally to be better than in England: I was diagnosed in England but now live in Scotland 🙂
Was told by several doctors I’m atypical type 1 and currently honeymooning but this can take years to progress and it was caught very early due to the blood tests.

Did you ever have the tests for the ‘genetic type’ - by which I M guessing they mean MODY, a collection of monogenic forms of diabetes resulting from a faulty gene.

Some people with MODY can initially be misclassified as T1, but MODY responds to a very different treatment regime.
