Somethings I am a little worried about.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So a lot of people here are talking about testing, blood an urine. It wasn't something I realized I should be concerned about so never asked the question during my first to the DSN. Would testing B&U be something I should be doing, or not something I should be overly worried about at the moment?

Also I took my first dose of Metfromin the other day. Well the little note in the box said I may feel sick, which I do, an that I may get a unpleasent taste in my mouth, which I have. However I also got a very unpleasent sensation in my feet, which has since passed on, and not re-accured. Is that a common sensation?
Hi Berte its horses for courses really some do test some dont , actually yesterday some one joined who was given no test strips and was giving urine stix which i had never heard of , so every day we are learning something,personally for me keeping a diary of my bloods does help i like to know what foods i spike on and what foods stabilise me.The metformin has caused many of us to have side effects the main being tummy problems i would say give it a fortnight max and the symptoms should subside if not you see your GP, the unpleansent taste is it the pear drops taste? and the tingling feet i get that mainly to my left toes only though it passes after a few seconds and i may not get it again for another week.
I' am also on Metfromin for a few months now and has never affected my feet, at the start felt a bit off outher then that there has been no problem.
I hope there is nothing serious affecting your feet

Metformin made me really sick at first, but that's pretty much worn off now (it's been about six weeks since I started). I have various aches and pains, and clicking joints which I'm told are due to the statins I'm taking. Also I'm having regular dizzy spells that don't seem to be linked to my BGL, what's causing them I don't know, I intend to ask the DSN when I see her on the 26th.
Alison, my Dad has had a few dizzy spells and has actually fallen over a couple of times. The Drs. diagnosed an iron deficiency and have been giving him B12 injections and iron tablets. Apparently, this can be a side effect of Metformin (which he takes).
Could be worth asking your GP for a quick test.
That actually makes sense. Thanks. I've often been anaemic in the past and I have fallen a couple of times lately, I was getting scared.
That actually makes sense. Thanks. I've often been anaemic in the past and I have fallen a couple of times lately, I was getting scared.

Im on iron tablets i was diagnosed with anemia 3-4 months ago
Thanks for the replys. Well the DSN said if anything worried me, then to phone and she'd get back in touch. As a lots worring me at the moment I am trying to resist the urge, to call daily.
Sounds like a supportive DSN Berte,

Maybe you can voice some of your worries here some we may be able to help with, then you can phone your DSN with the others or ones you wnat further advice about.

I think that testing is really important, but maybe your DSN didn't want to overload you with information right away, but it's definatly worth a discussion with her.

As others have mentioned those side effects of metformin are common but usually ease.
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