Something up with my blood sugars and health. T1

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey would really help if got some answers as GP has been useless and hospital tests have not found anything. So I'm 33 and been T1 for about 23 years, I'm on Novorapid and Lantus at night taking 7 units. I've always been fairly skinny only ever reaching about 13stone and tall at 6ft, I'm also on Ramipril 10mg for high blood pressure because of my kidneys which are said to be working at about 60%.
This will be very long winded so you can see bigger picture sorry in advance, so about 8 months ago I starting feeling really off with like chest pain and below ribs, was worse during the evening and night times with nausea and then heart beating fast, hot and shakey and sometimes night sweats. I would always wake up several times every night without fail but no idea why after a few A&E visits they found nothing. I cut caffeine and went gluten free thinking it could be that which I did feel a little better but would always feel off at night again and wake up once or twice, finally got tests for thyroid and gluten both were negative, mind you my diabetes was still functioning like normal for me during this time.
I went to GP in October who without any tests said it's Gastritis and gave me a month of Omeprazole 20mg, I didn't feel much better so went back start of November and he done a h.pylori test which was negative, and put me on 4 months of Lansoprazole in hopes that would be enough time for my stomach to heal, mind you no tests were done to confirm it was Gastritis.

So like day 2 of Lansoprazole I did notice my bloods would go weird, like drop around 2pm which I didn't take much notice just thought I had to much insulin for Lunch so had snack etc. But then about a month into them it did it again also around 2pm, so I started to think maybe breakfast was the cause as I started to go high in mornings after breakfast like 15+ a lot so thinking insulin resistance in morning from dawn phenomenon so then after taking correction dose combined with lunch insulin would drop me around that time, which I noticed sometimes if I didn't take a correction dose in mornings my bloods would go up high but would come down around what I started with (10mmol). Although I did start to feel abit better combined with eating very clean but only having about 1200kcal a day. My bloods started to do it more frequently, just not doing what I expect them to do but for most part still kinda working.

Fast forward to end of Jan, I'm down to 10st 10lb, I suspected it was Lansoprazole messing something up so stopped them 2weeks ago which was fine as my stomach was feeling ok but since then my blood sugar control has got worse and worse and also get a whooshing right ear at night time and runny nose when I eat food sometimes. Very hard to explain but for instance this past week it's like sometimes my food just suddenly stops digesting or absorbing randomly, like an hour after food and injecting my bloods would just plummet, this is on top of making sure to take less insulin just in case sometimes, then after taking glucose tablets of the equivalent carbs/insulin I injected my bloods would slow it's drop usually around 6mmol then around 2 hours which I assume is my peak for novorapid I'd go up ALOT(20mmol) like it's my food and the glucose tablets suddenly kicked in so corrections to stop it but not too much as to throw back down.

I noticed 2 nights ago if I somehow got lucky for tea time and food worked, around 9pm after trying to get my bloods down from 15+ after tea(again I take slightly less insulin or sometimes correct amount just incase) and making sure I'm not overlapping insulin I'd get them to around 11mmol 5-6 hours after injection so insulin should be mostly used up. I'd notice before bed I'd get a whooshing right ear, like heartbeat sensation thru out body but heart rate is normal and my bloods will ever so slowly creep down like 0.4 every 30mins. Thinking it's prob just novorapid still working slightly and also tester and sensor accuracy it'll stop and so I go asleep. At around 3am I woke up feeling hypo but with also worse whooshing heartbeat sound in right ear bloods at 4.5 which for me is low feeling. So I taken 20g worth of glucose tablets which would bring me around 10mmol about 30mins later they kicked in??? but at same time the whooshing in ear completely stopped. Also again last night but this time I had 3 glucose tablets before bed when bloods were 10mmol knowing it's doing the same thing and also 5 hours after injecting novorapid they didn't even do anything to my bloods it's like I never taken any, rinse repeat woke up at 5am ear whooshing until 30 mins till glucose tablets worked. Come mornings my blood sugar rises by itself(prob hormone) and when I eat breakfast and inject prior bloods would fly up 18+ as though I've not injected(has been mornings when I've dropped in morning as tho cereal didn't work but insulin is but recently it's mostly always high bloods) eventually they calm and sometimes comes back down slightly before lunch but it's like an all day chore.

It's like everything is going haywire, no matter what I do things aren't working as they should. I do think it's a digestive issue tho, either pancreas problem like not releasing enzymes, SIBO, low stomach acid or even gastroparesis maybe? I have been taking digestive enzymes w/ betaine hcl & pepsin but I dunno if they're working or not as I'm still dropping slowly in evenings and nights and food not working for no apparent reason I've also lowered Lantus to 6 to see if it makes a change but no I still drop regardless of how much Lantus I take and mostly always high during day. I had an ultrasound and bloods to see if it was gallbladder but along with liver, kidney and spleen everything came back normal. They couldn't see my pancreas unfortunately due to overlying gas. I'm at my wits end and scared as I live by myself & not knowing why food seemingly doesn't work especially in evenings and GP and doctors just don't seem to listen or care enough when I'm trying to explain it's not just mismanagement of diabetes, something is going on. Any advice or recommendations what it is or if anyone else has had similar experience or what I can do?
Hey no advice as I’m struggling with the same myself but I have a panic disorder and anxiety that causes this :( do you have any stress that could be causing anxiety?
Have you tried having a glass of milk after food or a hour after?
I cut caffeine and went gluten free thinking it could be that which I did feel a little better but would always feel off at night again and wake up once or twice, finally got tests for thyroid and gluten both were negative
Did you eat gluten daily for a good period of time before the coeliac test? The test doesn’t work when you’re gluten free.
Hey no advice as I’m struggling with the same myself but I have a panic disorder and anxiety that causes this :( do you have any stress that could be causing anxiety?
I'm sorry to hear! It's horrible. I do have social anxiety and probably this whole ordeal has made me more anxious but generally day by day I try not to think about it all, until it happens ofc.
I’m literally the same atm look at my spikes and drops! It’s crazy


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Did you eat gluten daily for a good period of time before the coeliac test? The test doesn’t work when you’re gluten free.
Nah I was eating gluten before the test and only after I just went gluten free just in case and to see if it helped. I also did a home test that you send off about a month after I started eating gluten again as well. It's very odd.
I notice when my sugars get to 6 I have hypo symptoms and panic
Have you tried having a glass of milk after food or a hour after?
Hey, I'll try that but I worry that if it's SIBO or something caused by an underlying issue. The Lactose in the milk would aggravate that. But I will try that as not had them tests done yet, thanks for the suggestion.
Hey, I'll try that but I worry that if it's SIBO or something caused by an underlying issue. The Lactose in the milk would aggravate that. But I will try that as not had them tests done yet, thanks for the suggestion.
Garlic helps with SIBO 🙂
It’s crazy I’ve had to stop my meds for diabetes.
Has that helped? My concern for me is I'm losing weight and not able to reach 2000kcal due to the unpredictability of my food and bloods and ofc if there is something wrong with me haha.
I honestly want answers too and nope! Nothings working I’ve even tried eating more it’s stressful
I notice when my sugars get to 6 I have hypo symptoms and panic
This is probably a mental health issue like anxiety rather than a diabetes related one. What is it that you panic about? Do you carry hypo treatments? You can self refer for CBT or speak to your diabetes team to see if there’s a specialist service available (which may have a longer wait) to talk through your anxiety if that might help you?
Has that helped? My concern for me is I'm losing weight and not able to reach 2000kcal due to the unpredictability of my food and bloods and ofc if there is something wrong with me haha.

Have you had Addison’s ruled out @blackmore1 ? That can cause hypos, palpitations and weight loss. I’m not saying you have that, just that it should be ruled out just like they tested for coeliac and thyroid.
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