Something else to worry about?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I recently read a post (can't remember where) which referred to diabetes affecting hair, teeth and eyes. Now I know about the problems concerning eyes but hair and teeth?? Does anyone out there have any ideas why I should start worrying about my hair and teeth? Jill
I think that some members have reported that there is a greater risk of gum disease when you have diabetes. A lot will depend on how well controlled your diabetes is. In the couple of years before I was diagnosed I had a lot of problems with my teeth but they have been fine since I got my levels under control. Not sure about hair.
I have never heard of it effecting hair but i think we need to be careful of getting gum disease etc etc, i know a while ago i posted about my hair falling out in clumps and i was curious to know as it started after my diagnosis but i was told it was stress 🙄
Thank you both. My teeth and gums are fine right now so that's OK. Yes, Steffie, I also posted about thinning hair but not sure if that's down to my age or diabetes or some other factor.
hair?? we're dooomed!

Gum disease we're definatly more susceptible!
You're a T2.....Are you on Metformin? One of Metformin's side effects is hair loss.

One medical website says:
Metformin may contribute to male pattern hair loss at the temples and top of head. Although there's nothing in the medical literature to support this linkage, some women have reported that hair loss was made worse by metformin.

I took Metformin for 5 months and now I realised I have less hair than might be just my age or stress, though.
not to sure about the teeth bit since being diagnosed my teeth [touch wood] have been fine better than before really
Diabetes seems to affect all kinds of things, but hopefully we are all now more awar of things so when a problem starts to appear we can get help and get it sorted before it becomes too bad.
Last time I saw my dentist, I asked him about diabetes and gum disease. He said there's a lot of discussion about a link, but nothing proven.
Hair?! Noooooo 😱

On the teeth thing - I believe we do need to watch out for our teeth. However, I'm nearly 21 and have NEVER had any problems with my teeth. No fillings, and still have one baby tooth which is absolutely fine! I have a theory that this is because when I was diagnosed (17 years ago), Type 1s were advised against all sugar. As a result, my diet was essentially sugar-free for years, and I reckon this is why my teeth have been so healthy.

However, due to increased flexibility with diet, I eat a lot more sugar now than I used to. So I suspect it's only a matter of time 'til I need my first filling!
Your saliva helps protect your teeth (not sure of how). If you are dehydrated due to high sugars I would guess that this would reduce the amount of saliva - only a guess though.

There is another possibility which is that depression is higher amongst diabetics than the general population. Many antidepressants can cause a dry mouth and thus reduce some of your natural protection.

Not come across anything related to hair problems.
Your saliva helps protect your teeth (not sure of how). If you are dehydrated due to high sugars I would guess that this would reduce the amount of saliva - only a guess though.

There is another possibility which is that depression is higher amongst diabetics than the general population. Many antidepressants can cause a dry mouth and thus reduce some of your natural protection.

Not come across anything related to hair problems.

Smoking can also dry the mouth out too (I used to be a 20 a day man 10 years ago!). Bearing in mind that it also screws up your circulation, it is something that all diabetics (and everyone else for that matter) really should stop as soon as they are diagnosed.

Right! I'm going to stop worrying right now! Always lots of sensible, down-to-earth advice on here.
I found out i had severe gum disease around the time of diagnosis. My dentist said it was probably due to diabetes.

It can improve and mine has improved immensely, due mainly to the fact i use "bottle brushes", floss is not the same, daily! I think i was a grade 4, quite bad 😱 and now am a 2 :D

Apparently most people get gum disease as they get older anyway.
I found out i had severe gum disease around the time of diagnosis. My dentist said it was probably due to diabetes.

It can improve and mine has improved immensely, due mainly to the fact i use "bottle brushes", floss is not the same, daily! I think i was a grade 4, quite bad 😱 and now am a 2 :D

Apparently most people get gum disease as they get older anyway.

Everything seems OK at the moment. I like the 'bottle brush' idea though and will try these instead of floss. I didn't know there were grades - must ask my dentist next time I go.
Everything seems OK at the moment. I like the 'bottle brush' idea though and will try these instead of floss. I didn't know there were grades - must ask my dentist next time I go.

yes, they grade gums according to how much they have receded, thats basically all gum disease is, sounds worse eh? But obviusly if they receed too much you are in danger of loosing the teeth!

Use the largest brushes that comfortably fit between your teeth, then build up in size, apparently the bigger the better and shows an improvement! The gums will bleed at first and this is a sign of disease, but as it stops this is a sign of improvement also.
Yeah blood sugars can make your hair fall out more. Mine is all over the place, but it's ok, Ive got enough spare at the moment 😉
Yeah blood sugars can make your hair fall out more. Mine is all over the place, but it's ok, Ive got enough spare at the moment 😉

Can I have some then, please? Mine is worryingly thinning on top.
i lost a front tooth to an abcess pre dx ...i now wear a falsey which can be a right pain to stick was probably due to un dx Diabetes at the time !😱
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