Some interesting thoughts

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I read your blog SacredHeart and nodded as i read it. Its beautifully put and very true....quite poetic in fact.

(P.s the picture of the surfer is cool too)!

Glad you found the course useful along the way...i didn't know such things existed to be honest...

Bernie xx 🙂
I went to see a councellor last year (my boss sent me) and to be honest, he knew nothing about diabetes. I worked on my assertion skills though and managed to reasure myself that i wasn't depressed. It sounds like a really good idea, one of the most frustrating things about being diagnosed is that there's virtually no emotional support. "Here take these tablets (in my case) and come back for blood tests every so now and then. Plus, here's all the horrible complications you might get if you don't do something about it." And they expect me not to be completely terrified?
I like your blog, i especially liked the surfer analogy. Yeah, some times i feel like "oh yeah, this is fine, i can live with this diabetes malarky, i've got it sussed." but then something else comes along and knocks you for six and you feel like you're back at square one again.

Very well put Becky. That said, my DSN is also a psychiatric nurse. I have the feeling that the men in white coats may be summoned sooner or later... Especially given the fact that the diabetes centre in Eastbourne is opposite the psychiatric ward!
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Sounds like an interesting course, hope you got some good out of it.

Hope you're good haven't seen much of your good self lately,

Take care, keep writing those great blogs 🙂

Rossi 🙂

PS In my head the only reason for injecting into an orange would be say for a parent to get used to the action before injecting their child?!??
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