some advice needed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i woke up this am with a blood sugar of 24.1, had a nectarine for breakfast (under protest) and took 6 units of insulin (2 more than usual) but tea time at work it was down to 10.7, had a panana and a peach then 8 units of insulin, at lunch time (2pm) i had a sausage roll and a pack of crisps and again 8 units, checked blood sugar again at 3.30 and it was 21.3 half an hour later it was 22.2, have felt lousy all day, very queezy, blurry vision (getting worse) but not actually sick. tested again at 5pm and BS down to 17.5 with no ketones......anybody any ideas? it feels like acidosis but with no ketones what can i do? giving myself extra insulin and not really eating is not helping much!!
Hi, sorry to hear of your problem (but nice to see you posting again 🙂) It sounds like you might have an infection or virus that hasn't actually manifested itself yet, except in your blood sugar levels. I have had this once or twice and my insuin requirements have gone up much further than I anticipated, with the result that my readings have still been on the high side.

Might be worth checking your strips are in date and haven't been left open to the air, and also that your meter checks out OK if you have some control solution for it. If those are fine, then I think that you will have to treat it as though you are ill, even if you don't feel it. It sounds as though you are giving enough insulin to keep the ketones at bay, but may need some more to get your levels back into range (or as near as you can get them). It's probably worth a call to your DSN if it persists for more than a couple of days as she may have more suggestions.
thanks northener (its good to be back) usually ok but i must have missed an insulin yesterday or something, tried mums meter too and the readings were not out by much, i tried to stop smoking last week but found BS were sky high so started smoking again (i know just an excuse) it seems to have been since then that i just cant control the BS but today has been awful!!!! Finally got an appointment to see the diabetic consultant (apparently i got lost in the system for 2 YEARS!!!) feel like ive kinda been left hanging since i was diagnosed in sept 2008. will see how the weekend goes and hopefully will feel better soon.
I wonder if when you stopped smoking your withdrawal symptoms contributed to your higher levels? Stopping can cause extra stress etc. and the effects are not too dissimilar to 'panic attack' symptoms. I won't lecture you on stopping them, but please don't let this setback stop you from trying again very soon!

Great to hear that you've got the appointment with the consultant! I hope you can get some good care and attention - remember that we are always here for help and support (ooh! you just did, didn't you? 😉)
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