So what next after Byetta

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
OK bloods used to be anywhere between 20 and 30, went on to the usual metformin, but more then 2 a day and i'd spends hours on the loo, so tried a few others and come down to 2 metformin and 2 Glucazide (can't be bother to look up spelling but you know what i mean, still no good to be honest so was trialed on Byetta for about 3 months now.

Saw my GP yesterday who was not happy with my blood chart, as a rule it's now 10-14 before food and Byetta jab and then 2 hours later it's anywhere between 5 & 8 personally i'm very happy with that, but she ain't so I have a feeling i'm coming off it :(

So if that does happen what is the next step for me, when i saw the special nurse who went through Byetta with me she said i was about level 3 of treatments when there about 6 in total to try, so i guess i have tried half of them, i'm now starting to get worried, I feel incredably sick when i take the Byetta and the GP said that was normal as it was to stop you eating, that would make sence but i get the sick feeling about 90 mins after i take the jab.

I have chnaged so much in my lifestyle it's untrue hardly any goodies in the house move from normal fizzy to the zero stuff, cooking with olive oil and the list goes on and on, and for what the doc to moan, there comes a point where you just say *** it enjoy the life i have left after all were all going to die one day and could have great blood and still get hit by a bus.

Anyway if Byetta fails what are my other options?

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I suspect the next step may be another injection called Victoza if the Byetta's not working. In combination with Gliclazide it can be quite effective. Or they may add Gliclazide to your Byetta. It's just my opinion, but perhaps three months isn't long enough to see the results they want for you. What dose are you on just now?
Hi, sorry to hear you are feeling down. You have made good progress so far, well done. Don't worry, there are other options like Alison mentioned, there is also the possibility of insulin - I would guess that they would try other options first though. What I am trying to say is that this isn't the end of the road and in a way it is good that your GP wants to keep going so that you find something that works for you. The after food readings are very good, you just need to bring down the before meal ones x
I must admit I've only got basic knowledge concerning byetta, and I'm surprised that it seems to be working after you had your injection but your levels are coming up again before your next injection.. Which it shouldn't do..

Have your consultant arranged any C-peptide and/or GAD testing so that they know for sure what type of diabetes you've actually got.. Maybe you'll not T2 but T1.5 or slow on set T1 diabetic?

If they haven't I would ask about having this done, as knowing what type you are is going to make deciding which is treatment is probably best to move forward with...

As said there is victoza available, very much the same as byetta but different manufacturer.. Even though neither of these are licenced to be used alongside insulin, I know that they are starting in some cases to use these with a background insulin to curtail blood glucose..
Hi sorry things are tough at the minute I was on byetta for a few months then was taken off it as me and my team thought it was not for me, im now on something called victoza which Alison has mentioned and it was the best thing that could of happened im seeing the diffirence and so is my waistline.If you need any help or advice please feel free to private message me x
I'm on the 10MG Byetta and already on Gliclazide, i thought insulin was just for type 1 (but what do i know) Natalie123 you say i need to bring levels down before food i agree but what the hell can i do i stick to meal times for food no snacks like i used and if i do snack it's a bannana or apple, hell i might as well eat cardboard at this rate, this is why at the back of my mind i think there is something else wrong these figures just don't make sense.

Hi Ellie no nothing on those lines yet but i do have annual visit lined up for the 13th (says it all don't it) and i will mention C-peptide and/or GAD testing and see what feedback i get from them.

Hi Steff well it's nice to know there is another option open to me but i do worry that i'll just run out of options, i know i may be over reacting but it's just the way i feel right now.

Hi All1 and I'm sorry you're feeling so down at the moment. Typical of your doc to tell you your levels aren't good enough but not explain properly what your options are. Very helpful that!

As has been said some patients who don't get on with Byetts go on Victoza and do well with that. It might be a better option for you. And yes, Type 2 often end up on insulin. My consultant was going to put me on it in March but I talked him into trying Byetts first. It's working so far. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I so know where you're coming from when you say you're trying everything but it doesn't work. A very familiar story to me. I'm also on 2x500 Metformin and my tummy really can't tolerate any more than that. I was on 3 Gliclazide til recently and have cut down to 2...currently trying taking just one as I suspect it doesn't suit me. It's working at the moment.

Please don't give up on yourself. Go back to your doc and ask what your options are. Also, have you seen a dietician? Mine was little better than useless but you might be lucky and get a few pointers as to where you can improve things. It does sound as though you're doing everything you can though.

I hope you feel more positive soon and that you can get the help that you need. In the meantime, keep in touch on here. We don't know everything but we can sympathise and support you til things get better for you. Take care. XXXXX
I'm on the 10MG Byetta and already on Gliclazide, i thought insulin was just for type 1 (but what do i know)


There are actually more Type 2s on Insulin than Type 1s. Though that is partly due to there being many more Type 2s than Type 1s. There are a number on this site who may tell you their experiences.

Are you under your GP or a hospital clinics care? If its your GP maybe you could ask for a referral. You could also see if you can get on a Desmond course which may give you the knowledge you need to get the best out of your GP. It would also be an opportunity to meet other Diabetics face to face and see what struggles they have been through and what coping strategies they have developed.

I hope you start to see and improvement soon.
Well just to update this one.

Saw the team at local hospital and they want to double my Gliclazide dose to 2x80MG twice a day so a total of 320MG per day, seems alot IMO but what do i know, will see GP before i up the dose, and due to see diabetec nurse on the 29th as well so see what she says.

On a plus note at last DECS screening 2 white spots were found (this was about 3 months ago) near the retena (should have studied harder at school i know) and having seen an eye doc today he said they have got smaller an no work was needed on them, so that's good news. I only took this serious when i was told the white spots could leave me blind, so cutting out some of the cr*p has helped me..... Now just to cut out the rest of the cr*p :rolleyes:
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