So so tired

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Its not really a reason to visit the doctors as im not sure if its diabetes related or not! but for the past week I have been absoulutely shattered! In the last two days I have had quite a lot of hypos but today I was fine... just so tired to the point im falling asleep in the car while my other half is driving us like a ten minute journey!! 🙄
Im on levothyroxine but only 50mcg I started 25 mcg in pregnancy and last blood test showed still underactive so the dose was increased... not had a test again as it was only last month, not sure if im suffering a huge hypo "hangover" due to the frequency of them lately or its due to me needing my meds tweaked :confused:
I hate going to the docs I always feel that my problems are so trivial :(
Lou hun your a new mum dealing with diabetes on top of it all, your not a robot of course your going to feel tried hun its only natural.The only way your going to put your mind at rest is get to your doctors if there anything worth there salt they wont want you worrying yourself silly or feeling like you are xx

I think that having an underactive thyroid can make you tired or sluggish. Adjusting your thyroxine dose seems like a pretty good reason to go to the docs to me. Also is the weather as hot and humid as it is down here? If so, that's pretty darned draining. I slept for two hours yesterday afternoon, and i'd only been shopping and put a shelf up...But i know what you mean, i hate having to trouble my GP with anything (but then, my GP is a dimwit), you could try ringing NHS Direct if you'd like some professional advice.
And there's the baby, i'm not suprised that you're tired, i'd be shattered!
And there's the baby, i'm not suprised that you're tired, i'd be shattered!

Lol Gracie is a total angel she goes down at 10 and gets up about 9 so im getting a great sleep @ night 😉

I do feel drained, cant even be bothered standing to make dinner lol

I think I will see the doc about my meds, prob best thing to do :confused:

Im waiting on test results coming back for coeliacs disease and something else which I cannot remember now 😱 Just found it weird that Its just over the last week I have felt so knackered!! I havent noticed it as hot though the past week its been windy and rainy up ere so ive felt quite cold hehe

Thanks steff, for ur reply too hun xx
Hi Lou

I think we all feel sometimes that we are wasting a Dr's time. In your case I think that a visit is called for. You are being treated for an underactive thyroid and that could be the cause of your symptoms. You've also got the baby and maybe a little anaemic.

Go for Gracie (if not for yourself) - she needs her Mummy fighting fit.
I hope you feel better soon. If you are worried about anything, see your doctor or phone NHS Direct. It's worth it for your own peace of mind, especially if you can't explain the tierdness. Good luck, I hope you get things sorted.
I'd go and have your thyroid tested again. Don't feel you're bothering the GP. That's what they are there for.

Tiredness and feeling the cold more than normal are signs that your thyroid is underactive. I'm on a 100mcg tablet, started with 50. The doc said that I'd probably need 100 right from the start, but wanted to take it slowly.

I know having a baby is tiring, but not even to be able to stand and cook!! That's worse than I felt before diagnosis (of underactive thyroid).

Good luck! x x
Hey hun,

Sorry your not feeling yourself. Having lots of hypo's, looking after grace, having diabetes and an underactive thyroid is bound to all make you feel very tired even if you are getting enough sleep. I'm very jealous of grace's sleeping patterns 😉 Definately go to the GP that's what they are there for, have you got to wait a few more weeks yet for those results? PM me if you need a chat or anything xxxxx
As Rachel said, an underactive thyroid can make you feel very tired.
Having a lot of hypos can also make you feel 'wiped out' also, so it could be that or a combination of both.

Hope you feel better soon.
Hey guys thanks for your replies... oh Im not pregnant bev (thought I should mention that 🙄)
I will see the doctor though, because I think it might just be a thyroxine adjustment then hopefully feel a bit better 😱

Its weird that all of these things come hand in hand with diabetes! as if being diabetic wasnt enough!

I just wasnt sure how quickly it would appear that I needed more thyroxine as I had already increased from 25mc to 50, was told id be on it for good though so I guess I may need more eventually! 🙄 appointment with diab clinic @ begining of september so may pop into the gp and get him to check it before I see them!

I cant cope feeling this drained lol
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