Welcome Mother of Finley.
First of all, sorry you have to be here, but you will find support to make life a bit easier. It's good that your son was diagnosed before ketones were produced in his body. Mixed insulins are difficult to manage - most families find that basal bolus regime or MDI (Multiple Daily Injections) (1 or 2 long acting injections per day and 1 injection of short acting with each meal) is more flexible. But, some families find it easier to get used to 2 injections per day to start with. The big advantage of MDI is ability to adjust each dose to react to blood glucose levels, what child is going to eat / do etc. Some families find that an insulin pump is more suitable, but what's right for one isn't necessarily right for all.
It's early days, but plenty of people on these boards grew up from childhoods with diabetes (some before MDI, blood glucose home testing etc) and plenty of parents are raising children with diabetes with current technology.
The one thing that stays the same is the fear, but it does ease as you get to know the condition, how to deal with it, how to get appropriate help from clinic, school etc. Plenty of people have had type 1 diabetes for decades, with no complications.