So. Pump assessment...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, I am going to see the pump DSN at my clinic on Tuesday next week and after having a chat, if I fit the criteria, she will do my pump assessment there and then.

I am now really nervous and anxious!

MY HBA1C doesn't fit the criteria (over 8.5%) but I think I fit the criteria of being very anxious about hypos and things like leaving my levels running a bit higher to avoid them etc.

I have high morning readings nearly every day (getting a reading between 5 and 7 is a nice rare surprise!) even though my basal holds me steady all night. If I up my basal in the daytime too I hypo around dinner time every day so I had to reduce that (consultant asked me to at my last appt in november too)

I just don't want to "fail" at this first hurdle.

Scotland in general have lagged behind with pump therapy BUT my local health board have had extra funding (along with others too I think), starting from April this year, apparently everyone who goes on the list will have their pump within 12 months - used to be a 3-4 year waiting list. I am worried that this will mean getting on The List will be harder though!

Have most of you got your pump because of a higher hba1c or fitted other criteria?

Any advice appreciated 🙂
Oh and because of high morning readings, I always need an 'extra' injection of Humalog at that time (as soon as I wake up and do my Levemir too) to start to bring it down until it's breakfast time.

Getting the Aviva Expert meter has helped with all this a little (knowing my insulin on board) but my DSN has said before the only thing that will keep those higher morning levels in check is a pump as I can adjust my basal at different times obviously.

Also - I have no plans for another baby just now (we have 2 children) but haven't ruled it out forever....I really don't think I would even attempt pregnancy on MDI. A pump seems much more adaptable for that when requirements will change so much! Should I mention this or not?
My hba1c was 7.8 with loads of hypos, especially at night. I also had high morning readings, totm issues and could not correct often because one unt drops me 6mmols. I had no problems passing the assessment. I think they just wanted to know whether I understood my diabetes enough to make good use f the pump. 6 months in and my hba1c is 6.8 with 2 or 3 hypos a month.
Hope it goes well for you.
I'm another who qualified because of 'fear of hypoglycemia' coupled with too many low-level dips under 4. Last A1c on MDI was 6.3 (with a couple of low 7's before that) but that involved never really being sure where or when I might drop below 4 and my warning signs were taking a hammering.

I'd managed to halve low level hypos with some work in the 2 years pre-pump and with the help of the Expert, but I still felt uneasy driving and would run high whenever I needed to drive anywhere 'just in case'.

And yes, I think you should say that MDI means you would not try for a pregnancy - as that is your insulin regime controlling you rather than enabling you to make the choices you want.
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